We went to the V-town for a long weekend. We left on Friday and returned on Monday. So, there was lots of time to soak in the sights and just get an idea of how things have changed over the last few months since we had been there last. The truth is that not much has changed (duh!). But, I'm very observant and often compare things down there to things up here. Needless to say, I now have lots to talk about. So, I will "bullet" today.
-The newscast of the local news there is still entertaining. I did get to see Shawna (she's married to a friend of mine) do the news on Friday night and she did a great job. However, I do laugh at how obsessive they are over the weather. They acted like a little fog and drizzle was the end of the world. I got a kick out of how much they talked about the weather. They never used to do that. The most excitement there is the fact that Don Brubaker is STILL doing sports! GO DON! ;)
-On Saturday morning, I slept in and ventured to Ghetto HEB around noon. I chose Ghetto HEB for a reason. I hate the HEB Plus there because there's always a very high chance that I will run into someone that I know. So I avoid it like the plague. Plus, I figured that Ghetto HEB would be a lot more entertaining. It was. I'd say over half the folks in there were still in their pajamas AT NOON ON VALENTINE'S DAY! No lie. I had my hair and makeup done, wore a gray sweatshirt, jeans, and running shoes and I felt overdressed! I was also amazed at the amount of people that wait till the very.last.minute to shop for Valentine's Day.
-People LOVE to eat in the V-town. If you drive by a restaurant at 2 or 3 in the afternoon, it's still packed. I went to Target on Saturday afternoon too and was amazed at the amount of people that were walking out with their Starbuck's and carnival food. I hate to say it, but I feel really skinny when I visit down there. I can tell that fitness is NOT on most peoples' minds. But diabetes and heart disease are. *sigh*
-OMG! I got to see two of my former teachers that my dad is friends with and I got to hear them CUSS! So.very.cool. Good times! :)
-I'm literally scared for my life when I drive around in that town. People DO NOT know how to drive. Richard said that it's the influx of senior citizens and teenagers. Turn signals DO NOT exist. Heck, a turning lane doesn't exist! They would NEVER survive in Austin. 35 would be a death trap for them. I beg them to NEVER come up here!
-I'm glad to see that the construction that was started a year ago on a few streets is nowhere near completion. I guess taking their sweet time is what matters. Makes me wonder what the construction crews are doing all day long. Hmmm.....
So as you can see, the weekend was quite uneventful for me. I guess my age is showing now, because I get a kick out of the littlest things. Until next time.....