Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kiddo quotes....

-Jen came to visit on Sunday and we went to San Marcos to eat at Jason's Deli and then we went to Half Price Books. We were in there a while. Maeve got impatient and the next thing we hear out of her mouth is, "What are you waiting for? President's Day?" We burst into giggles. It was so random. I have no idea where she heard about President's Day.

-Maeve is in denial about all of the rain. Yesterday, she said that it was "dripping and it was pretending to be raining." lol! Oy.

-Kyra was being licked a lot by Zoe this morning. Next thing I hear is, "Zoe, quit giving me autographs!" hehe!

-Kyra and I peeked in on Maeve the other night during her dancing class. They were singing Barney's "I Love You". On our walk home, Kyra was singing, "I love you, You love me, Barney is my enemy....." Cute Kyra. Real cute. ;)

Though these are cute, my favorite was when Maeve burped one time and she yelled, "I farted in my mouth!" Classic!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An older couple just told me the other day about when their granddaughter was little, farted & then exclaimed