Sunday, May 10, 2009

What my husband and kids do when I leave the house...

I left (*coughescapedcough*) the house last night after church for some much needed "me" time. This is what ensued when I was gone. Poor Zoe. The kids can get her to do anything. And of course Daddy grabbed the camera. Mia would never put up with this sh!t! lol!


Anonymous said...

I can't tell if she looked like she was having a good time or not...

Kim said...

I can't tell either! But they "claim" that she liked it!

Krishna said...

I love it. Those are the fun things they will remember. and zoe is no worse.

Brianna said...

I want to go swimming in your pool!! ;). And I wonder why they waited for you to leave to do this.... hmm...