Thursday, April 30, 2009

From the mouths of 2nd graders.....

Quotes overheard on the field trip to the butterfly farm today....

-"Those aren't deer tracks. Those are MOOSE tracks!"

-"What day is it again? What's the date?" (They had booklets to fill out and their teacher had already repeated the date like 5 times. Wanna know who wasn't listening? The male species! Figures!)

-"I hear a bear! It's a bear!" (Nope, it was an airplane flying overhead.)

-"I just saw a raccoon!" (Um, no you didn't.)

-"We're hungry! Is it lunch yet?" (This was 5 minutes after we arrived.)

Oy. We had a wonderful time though! I really did enjoy some "Kyra" time! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I want to know how the discussion would have gone if they had seen the possum staggering around in circles in our parking lot this morning. I couldn't decide if he'd been run over & was dying, was sick, or was frantically trying to find a place to sleep before daylight hit. He circled three times, then laid down behind a car, curled up in a ball. He was still there when I left for work, but not when I got back. I think the landscaping crew scared him off.