Thursday, September 08, 2005

Girl talk.....

The girls are doing ok this week. Kyra's allergies started bothering her over the weekend. They've gotten better but now Maeve sounds horrible. Ugh. Richard also has them and has almost completely lost his voice. I think there's good ol Mold in the air right now. Lovely. Looks like the girls are following in my footsteps with being highly allergic to that stuff. :(

Maeve has been rolling over constantly. She's all over her crib now. I never know how I'm going to find her when I go in there in the mornings. Last night I also discovered that she's VERY ticklish. I love those sweet belly laughs. She also loves for me to talk to her and she loves to babble back. I love this age where they aren't infants, but they aren't mobile yet either. I wish she could stay like this forever. :)

Kyra continues to crack me up. She came in my bed in the middle of the night because she was having "bad dreams". I asked her what her bad dreams were about and she said that "daddy and Spongebob's teacher were trying to take away my blankie." LOL! Guess she's been watching too much TV. Her imagination is running wild these days. Yesterday, she told me that she has affectionately named her blow-up toy from Sonic. His name is "Bob". Um, ok. She drew a treasure map the other day and was going around the house looking for things that were on that map. Amazing, I tell ya.

We did have a horrible drop-off at school this morning. Some other kid was crying so Kyra decided that she would too. By the time I walked out the door, she was screaming, "Mommy don't leave me!" My heart was breaking. I made a mad dash to the car with Maeve and we got the heck outta there. Poor kiddo. We still have days like that. Tuesday she was fine, but today was another story. I guess it just comes with growing up. I KNOW that Maeve will do it too.

1 comment:

Jen said...

LOL! Oh my gosh! I laughed so hard! How did you manage to keep a straight face and handle that seriously when she woke you up with that line in the middle of the night? I don't know if I could be a mom! I'd have rolled out of bed laughing!

Awww, I bet the drop off was hard today. I'm sure she cheered up and found something else to take it off her mind, though. That kid!