Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Poor thing is so oblivious....

Kyra is learning about animals at school this week for science....more specifically, frogs.

But she just made a web (drew a circle and then drew lines outside of the circle) and on it she wrote what she knows about caterpillars.

My eyes skimmed the paper and saw the usual facts (good girl!). However, then my eyes met a word that I didn't recognize.

She meant to write "they are insects". Instead, she wrote, "they are insex". PIMP!

For a moment there I was scared that she learned something that she shouldn't have!

Thank God for "as of yet" oblivious kids!


Anonymous said...

Oh, my... what will she accidentally think of next?

Chelle Y. said...

Hehe, Just wait, there will be more of those, "WHAT!?!" moments!