Sunday, March 11, 2007

A Richard funny....

Wednesday was Richard's first day off of the week. Kyra came home from school and wanted to go to our town's park to see the new playground equipment. So Richard took her and Maeve.

They were gone for about 45 minutes. Richard comes in shaking his head. I immediately ask, "Oh no, what did Kyra or Maeve do?" He said, "It wasn't Kyra or Maeve. Look at the shirt that I wore!"

He had on his "Hooters....Daytona Beach" shirt that my brother-in-law gave him a few years back. LOL!

Richard said that he was mortified because there were a lot of mommies and kids at the playground.....not to mention Kyra's P.E. teacher too! LMAO!

Note to Richard: Take a look at what shirt you have on before you go to a kid friendly place next time! ;)

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