Monday, September 15, 2008

Oh really?

Last Wednesday, I taught two Flow classes. They both went well. The first one I subbed for a friend. The second one was my regular Wednesday class downtown.

After class, I thank my members for coming and I tell them to come and talk to me if they have any questions or comments. Usually they just scoot on out of there with a "thank you", but some stay and chat.

Last week was a totally different story. A girl who I had never seen in class before came up to me after class and said, "I have some suggestions on how you can do the Sun Salutations better. The ones that you did seemed weird."

I explained to her that our gyms have the Les Mills programs in them and all of the choreography is pre-choreographed. We learn from a video and notes. I told her that I didn't make it up. Apparently, she didn't hear what I had just said because she didn't stop there.

She told me that I should have had my hand behind my foot in this pose. Yes, it can be changed to where the hand is behind the foot but the choreography in this certain release had it in front of the foot. What bothered me the most is that she was calling it Triangle Pose, when it was an Extended Warrior Pose. Triangle Pose looks like this. It's easy to see the differences between the two. In Triangle Pose, the front leg is straightened so that you feel more of a stretch through the hamstring.

I was bothered by her "know it all" mentality. I study the notes and choreography. I watch the education tips. I learn the release like the back of my hand. After all, I've been certified for more than 5 years now. Granted, I have a lot more to learn, but I think I know my basic poses. Clearly, this girl didn't know what she was talking about. I almost hope that she was a bit embarrassed after that conversation. And now I wonder if she'll ever show her face in class again. If she does, she needs to understand that I don't need suggestions on how to "change it up." ;)


Anonymous said...

And she is welcome to adapt all of that to her own personal practice as she sees fit, but for the purpose of adapting yoga moves to group fitness class settings inside of health clubs rather than yoga studios, and for issues with liability, Les Mills and the clubs that pay the licensing fees to utilize the programs requires it's instructors to only teach the movements and poses AS INSTRUCTED.

This is a GROUP FITNESS yoga-THEMED, mind/body, Pilates-INSPIRED workout. It is NOT a traditional yoga class. There is a difference. Sun Salutations are not verbatim the same exact movements in the same exact order or with the same exact positioning every time. That would be boring. There are numerous poses and asanas that can be included, adapted, rearranged for VARIETY.

Geez, lady. If you don't like it, go to a yoga studio instead of a health club. Or get trained/certified in something and teach your own.

The stuff she's bitching about also varies by TYPE of yoga being done. If she's only familiar with one particular yoga practice she has no idea whether it's the same hand/foot/whatever placement for each method or not.

Kim said...

Exactly. They are varied for a reason. I explained that there are different types of salutations. Some are called "A" and some are called "B" and so on. She didn't understand that. They are not cut and dry. She obviously wanted to show me up and she failed. Body Flow is not a traditional yoga class and never will be. I told her that. It was just funny how she assumed that I was responsible for all of the music and poses. I told her before she left that there's no way that I could have come up with all of that on my own! LOL!

I was very frustrated with her. It was like beating a dead horse.....

Anonymous said...

I guess you could start to preface each class with the reminder that Body Flow is not traditional yoga, but rather is a program that borrows from yoga, tai chi and Pilates and adapts each of the movements for the general population of a group fitness class.