Thursday, January 11, 2007

I've been tagged.....

The lovely Jen is at it again.....

5 things that you probably don't know about me.....

1.) I MUST put on chapstick before bed. I absolutely cannot go to sleep without it. So weird, I know. But I hate dry lips and it's usually at the end of the day when I have them.

2.) When cleaning out the dishwasher, I put all of the clean dishes on the counter first. Then I put the dirty ones in the dishwasher. Then I put the clean ones up. This drives Richard CRAZY! It started when I was pregnant and my belly kept getting in the way. So I would just do it this way. And I STILL do it this way. *sigh*

3.) On the heels of #2, I must sleep with a pillow between my legs at night. My knees cannot touch each other. Again, this was a pregnancy thing that stayed with me. I did it then to straighten my spine and keep pressure off of my back.

4.) I shave my legs out of the shower. If I do it in the shower, I always seem to miss a few spots. And that bothers me.

5.) I hate scary movies. If I watch them, then I have nightmares that go on for days. So I avoid them all together.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh, your #1 is so totally me...