Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Roly poly....

Maeve rolled over last night. Richard and Kyra were at Cabela's and I just sensed that she would do it. I grabbed the camcorder and started shooting. I got it! Or so I thought. Richard came home and I just had to rewind it and show him. Nothing. Crap! Either the battery went dead or the tape ran out. I'm not sure. I was bummed last night so I didn't bother to check. LOL!

She did it so nonchalantly too. As if to say, "Well woman, if you'd just put me down sometimes I could show you a lot more tricks that I've got up my sleeve."

She did it again this morning. ;) My big girl. *sigh*

1 comment:

Jen said...

Awwwww! How exciting!