Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Idol fever.....

Well I might as well admit it. Yes, I'm hooked on American Idol. I watched the first two seasons faithfully. I didn't watch much of last season because it was just boring to me. I'm really excited about this season though. They've got a lot of good talent in the finalists. The girls aren't as good. The guys ROCK! Anwar and Bo are my favorites.

So, I'm busy on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. LOL! Thursday night rolls around and I go into a depression until the following Tuesday night. Kyra even recognizes the Idol music and says, "Mommy, American Idol is on!" *blush*


Jen said...

Who do you want to win? Do you call in and vote each week?

Kim said...

I really like Anwar and Bo. I think they are the best out of all of them. I don't like the girls at all.

I don't call in and vote, so I'm not that obsessed! LOL!