Friday, November 03, 2006

"Early" voting.....

So I've tried Early Voting twice already and still haven't cast my vote. The lines have been super, duper long. Ugh. It's funny how people always say to vote early to avoid the long lines and then Early Voting days are busier than Election Day!

I'm usually not so passionate about voting, but since this is on the ballot and it directly affects Kyra's school, I feel like I MUST vote.

Oh, and I wish that all of those running for office would freakin move away from the curb and quit waving at me. Chances are that if I see you name on the ballot, I won't vote for you because you're making such an a$$ out of yourself. I bet others feel the same way. It's costing you votes, not helping you get votes.

Guess I'll try again on Tuesday. I bet there won't be any lines then. :)


Jen said...

I know what you mean. Here they all swarm the library and mob you when you get out of your car and try to return your books- What? Me? Early voting? AS IF! On Monday I witnessed an ambulance speeding past me and when I got to the library, there it was and I thought "dammit, who's started running over the early voter recruiters this time?"

I swear, trying to get in the door is like trying to cross a picket line.

The ambulance was there for a middle-aged lady in the children's section. Not sure what happened but she was looking rather embarassed when they wheeled her out on a gurney with her purse in her lap.

Some patron made a crack about "look out for those kids" or something to that effect.

Kim said...

Jen- LOL! I can't even imagine being in a library and trying to have peace and quiet amidst the voting hoopla. Ugh.

Susan- You probably have a lot more opportunities up there to vote. Here there were 2 days last week where you could vote early and only one day this week. AND the polls didn't open till 11:00. How dumb is that? I was ticked this morning after dropping Kyra off at school at 7:15 and seeing that. We vote at City Hall and it's usually ok. We'll see how Tuesday goes.

Mary said...

yay I love vote by mail! I voted 2 weeks ago....