Wednesday, November 15, 2006


-My child just loves the nurse at much that she's been to the nurse's office about 4 times in two weeks. She's bumped her head on the monkey bars, bumped her head on a table in her classroom, and "scratched" her knee (although I saw no evidence of a scratch....just a cute band-aid). Ugh. At least they probably know her name. LOL!

-I'm tired of the toddler meltdowns. There are so many in a day that I can't even keep up. The words that continue to plague me are, "I need a drink." Today I saw her throw her cup across the room. I immediately got some "deja vu" thoughts because I've seen her daddy get so mad that he's thrown something so many times. Like father, like daughter, huh?

-Richard worked a day of overtime this week. YAY! Money! Too bad this day was the hardest of the week. I took Maeve to the doctor. Sure enough, she's on the verge of an ear infection. So she's on antibiotics. I just want her well before next week.

-Anybody want to come and clean my house? I'm so tired of having children that DO NOT clean up after themselves, so I end up doing it. Ugh. Will I ever have a clean house again?

-Emmitt Smith just won "Dancing With The Stars". Thank God. If Mario would have won, I would have demanded a recount. Mario looked genuinely pissed. Good.

-I'm watching my taped "Friday Night Lights". I adore this show. If you've never seen it, you need to watch it. It's good.

-Kyra gets her first report card this Friday. I can't wait to see it. She's been reading so much lately and I'm completely floored at her ability to pick up a book that she's never read before and read it. It's amazing. She's come a long way in just a few short months. I'm going with her class on a field trip next Tuesday. Actually, all of the Kindergarten classes are going. We are going in buses to the Austin Children's Museum. This ought to be really interesting. Expect a full update about that.

-Thanksgiving is next week. Next week? Already? WTF? I'm already freaking out because of all of the Christmas hype. I'm sooooo not ready. And I have to put up a tree. This is going to be difficult this year. Explaining "No, don't touch that" to a defiant toddler is going to be a chore. Her hands must touch everything.

-I still am not used to this Beta Blogger thing. I've tried posting on blogs, but have had none of my posts show up. So just know that I am reading. I know that they are still working on things. Hopefully everything will be ironed out soon.


Jen said...

All of the little old ladies in my class voted for Emmitt.

I didn't know,until they did a feature on the news last night, that Mario' sister lives here and is married to one of the Texan's players. She says he's coming here for Thanksgiving next week.

I agree the show is about who can adapt, become and grow into a dancer from not being one. I have to support that, after all, it's how I thought when it was about Kelly and then Drew, but...I still wanted Mario to win. I realize it isn't the same concept as he's had some experience and also is probably more naturally talented in that direction, but still...I know, it isn't about who's better or the best, it's about who can change the most to become the end product.

I hear he's getting alot of Broadway offers from it, anyway. Good for reviving celeb careers, I guess.

Lynda said...

I haven't made the switch to Beta Blogger.