Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My Maeve.....

-First of all, it wasn't teeth that were bothering Maeve for the past week. Kid had horrible sores on her tongue! Owwwww! I have no idea where she got them from. I think she either bit her tongue and caused injury OR the blisters came from sucking her fingers too much. Anywho, she was in a lot of pain this week and refused to eat or drink pretty much anything for a few days. She lived off of popsicles. Today, I saw a different child. She finally wasn't clinging to me for dear life all day long. Thank God. That'll all change tomorrow though because I'll take her in for her 2 year appt. and that means shots. Ugh.

-My 2 year old counts to NINE! OMG! I have no idea where she picked this up from, but it is the cutest thing to hear! She puts her head in her hands and just counts if she's playing hide and seek. So funny!

-Maeve also sings "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and it is absolutely the most adorable thing to hear. I love it! I need to video her doing it. I just love that sweet little voice!

-I got a little DVD for Maeve with a lot of childrens' songs/nursery rhymes on it and she sings away to it. She even knows how to work the DVD player by herself. She knows where the open/close button is and Richard took a black Sharpie marker and colored the "Play" button black, so she knows what to do after she has it in there! LOL! Lazy daddy!

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