Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Things are going to change (again)......

If you remember a while back, I blogged about wanting to rid myself of all the negativity in my life. I know that it's hard to escape sometimes. I mean look at the world that we live in right now. There's negative everywhere. It's all over the news. We hear about more soldiers dying overseas everyday. It makes me sad.

I even catch Richard saying negative things and I tell him to please stop saying them. Little eyes see and little ears hear, ya know? I do correct Kyra too when she says something that's not very nice that I don't want to hear.

I just want to purge myself of negative and focus on more positive things. I do read a lot of websites and blogs and chances are that if there's a lot of bitching and moaning going on, then I'll choose not to visit there anymore. I can't stand it. Every once in a while, I take a look at my blog and see how much negative there is in it. I try to eliminate negative posts. I don't want to bring anyone down with me. I hope that reading this blog is an enlightening experience and I hope that it brings a smile to your face once in a while. I choose not to go on and on about bad things. That's not what I want you to hear about anyway. Instead I'd like to focus on my childrens' achievements and my personal growth. I want you to be informed about what's going on because I don't see many of you too often and I know that you want updates. This is the best way for me to let you know what's going on. If you choose to read, fine. If not, then that's fine too.

The bottom line is that I want a change in my life, so I'm taking steps to make it happen. If you want a change in your life, then you have to make it happen too. Bitching and moaning about it won't help. You can't just snap your fingers and everything will be ok. It doesn't work that way. You are in control and life is what you make of it. Life is too short to focus on all the negative. Be happy for goodness sakes! Take some time and make a list of positive things in your life. We all are blessed and have so much to be thankful for! Most of us have it made in that we have the basics of, shelter, love, friends, and family. I think that's all you need to get by.......

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