Friday, December 22, 2006

This will have to do.....

Dear Kyra and Maeve,

I see that you two have been very good this year. You deserved a bunch of nice presents under the tree. I hope you like them. Remember to continue to obey your mommy and daddy and always try to do your best in everything that you do. Santa likes that.

I have a lot of houses to visit yet. I must make my way to Jayme’s house and then to Jake’s house too. There have been a lot of good little boys and girls this year that need Christmas presents too.

I love you! Have a Merry Christmas!


PS- Rudolph says “Hi”. Did you hear him on the roof last night?

I typed it on Word and put the letters in red. I also put a picture of Santa at the top. Kyra will love it.

Santa will have been here by morning! ;)

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