Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Uh oh, it's that *word* again.......

Today I picked up a copy of this for my dad. Then I picked up a copy of this for Kyra. I must say that the pictures in these books are breathtaking. I only wish that we would have been in Victoria that Christmas. But we weren't. We were in La Grange at my sister's for Christmas Eve and then on Christmas Day, we went to Cypress to Richard's uncle's house. Yet we heard all about it and saw pictures of it for weeks....if not months. I'm still heartbroken that we didn't get to see it.....mostly for Kyra. Kyra prays every single night for snow. I just hope one of these days, God answers her prayers.

Shortly after we moved here on Valentine's Day 2004, it snowed. Kyra was almost 3. I doubt that she remembers it. I do have some pictures around here somewhere though of Kyra and Richard outside in it. It was just a dusting of snow....nothing like what South Texas had that Christmas.

So, here we are. We are less than a week away from Christmas and they are talking about snow again. This time up here in Central Texas. I would LOVE for it to snow here, but please let it happen while we are here! We are leaving on Sunday and returning on Tuesday. I would be heartbroken yet again if it snowed at my house this time around and we weren't here to see it. I keep praying that one day, one time, the stars align and we are right in the midst of all of the snow.

I still don't think it will be cold enough for snow this Christmas. But stranger things have happened. In 2004, Christmas was on a Saturday. That Tuesday before, the temperature in Corpus Christi was a balmy 82 degrees! Can you believe that?

As for Christmas plans, we are leaving on Sunday morning for Schulenburg. We'll be there through Christmas Eve night. Then we'll drive to Victoria. We'll spend Christmas Eve night there and wake up on Christmas morning and go to church. We'll spend part of the day with my dad (it's his birthday) and then go out to Richard's mom's that evening. We'll stay that night at my dad's again and then come back home sometime on Tuesday.

LOTS of fingers crossed that everyone is safe and HEALTHY this Christmas!


Jen said...

I heard some idiot weatherman report on the possibility of snow here with MY OWN TWO EARS! last night.

He's the same idiot that predicted yet another day of "Sunny, 79 degrees..." and here we are, overcast and rainy and breezy and cool just like yesterday when he was wrong...

I said to Kevin "Oh, please, let's not start that. The crazy people here don't need any help..."

Kim said...

LOL! Jen, you just love those weather idiots, don't you?

The message boards are waaaaay worse. Trust me. You don't even want to go over there right now and take a peek.