Friday, April 14, 2006

Note to self:

NEVER, EVER venture out on Good Friday again. We traveled maybe 5 miles to Payless for some sandals for the girls and people were driving liked lunatics! A STOP SIGN in a parking lot means that you do just that....STOP! I cut him (or her) off and showed them! LOL! Geez! I was there first! Oh and a person missed their exit, so they just made their own exit and cut across the grass. I HATE when people do that. Grrrrrr!

I'm soooooo glad we're home!


Jen said...

I used to think about cutting through the grass like that- I'm glad I never did.

Lynda said...

I was wondering why it was so busy. It didn't dawn on me that it was Good Friday.

On a side note, isn't any Friday good?