Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Well that's just great....

Kyra caught a short-lived bug (I hope) early Monday morning. She had like 3 episodes and that was it. The only bad thing was that episode #1 came at 4:30 in the morning. Richard and I were awakened with, "I threw up in my bed." Lovely. We put everything in the washer, but blankets on the floor next to our bed for Kyra, and went back to sleep. By 10am, she was fine....her chipper, hyper self.

Today is a different story for another family member though. Richard took Kyra to dance camp across the street and came home and did not feel good at all. He put Maeve down for a nap and threw up. He said that he was dizzy and couldn't read anything. Light bothered him. Sound bothered him. He wanted to be left alone in complete darkness. This means one thing: migraine.

Richard gets a migraine headache 1-2 times per year. I'm thankful that it's not more frequent. His mom and his sister get them all the time.....they just run in his family. Boy is he down though. He's been in bed for almost 12 hours now. I keep going in to check on him. He says he's fine and feeling a lot better. I won't believe that till he gets up and gets something to eat or drink. I went to the store and got him some Tylenol and some Dramamine (per his mom's request). I just hope he's feeling better soon. I've had kid duty all day today. Thank God they were good. They sure missed daddy though. And tomorrow is already Wednesday again. :(

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