Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hurricane Maeve.....

Today Maeve:

1.) started hitting Kyra and I with a plastic bowling pin....all while laughing her ass off. WTF?

2.) put one of Kyra's Spongebob socks in the toilet, got it dripping wet, and then came to me and put it on my shirt. Again, WTF?

3.) almost pulled a very heavy shelf down on top of her in her room. If I would have been a second later, we would have been at the ER.

Oh and last night, she was fussing in her bed, so I went to see what the problem was and she had completely undressed herself.

Thank God I colored my hair last night because I bet that there's a few extra grays up there now. *sigh*

This kid is something else.

1 comment:

Jen said...

If we put her and Gomer in the same room together, I bet they would somehow combine and combust...I bet we could use that as some kind of weapon.

Coming to theatres near you:

Kim and Jen Save the Planet.