Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The aftermath....

Well today was the second day of school and it seems like today was tougher on me than yesterday. Richard thinks that I'm totally overreacting over certain things. I probably am. That's just my nature.

This morning I got a call from the nurse at Kyra's school. I let the voicemail get it because I didn't recognize the number. I immediately called her back because I thought something happened to my child. Everything was fine. She just had a question about her shot record. There was a Hep. B shot that should have been spaced out more from the previous ones. She wanted me to call Kyra's pediatrician to have them fax over where it says in her chart that she had that particular shot on that particular day. Honestly, we thought that the nurse just wrote down the wrong date. I did some investigating and ended up talking to Kyra's first pediatrician who was a total a-hole when he was her doctor. He's now in another town (thank God). Like Kyra's current pediatrician, he too told me that it really didn't matter when Kyra got this particular shot. So I called the nurse back and just told her to change the date on Kyra's shot record because I'm 100% sure that the nurse just wrote down the wrong date. Thank God she didn't make me go to Kyra's former pediatrician and make him dig through storage to find her original chart. That would have been a PITA (pain in the a$$). So, whew. Got over that. That alone was enough to send me over the edge.

I love, love, love Kyra's teacher. She's a great lady. She probably thinks I'm looney too because I walked Kyra to the door today. I know that I should have let Kyra walk by herself. Tomorrow I'll stay further back and let Kyra navigate her own way. Once she sets foot in her classroom, I'll wave and leave. Why is this so hard for me? I've always walked her to her classroom. I know, I know. It's time to let go. She's independent now and will find her way around. If she doesn't, then she'll ask someone for help. This brings me to another rant.

Kyra ate at the cafeteria today for the first time. She couldn't get her chocolate milk open, so she just didn't drink any. Now she acted like there wasn't anyone around to help her and of course, I believed her. But I bet there was a teacher or a lunchroom monitor nearby. My shy little girl just didn't want to ask for help. I told her to ask a buddy that knows how to open their milk to do it for her. I'm sure they would oblige. My poor baby.

She rode the bus home today. I took a picture of her getting off. There are a few neighborhood kids on the bus that she knows, so she's totally into that. She's very excited.

When she got home, she explained to me that she knew how to read. I was curious and asked her if her teacher is teaching them how to sound out words. She said, "No, we just copy the words that she reads." Ah, memorization. I immediately go into panic mode and call my mother-in-law (God bless her because I'll probably drive her absolutely crazy this year) and ask, "Is this right? Is this the way that they should be doing things? Should I talk to her teacher?" She reassured me that things would be just fine. Thank God she's a 1st grade teacher. Throughout all of this, Richard is sitting there shaking his head. I'm sure he's quietly questioning my sanity.

After this week, I swear that men suffer from some form of PMS. Or do we just rub off on them? Maybe it's just a fight or flight response from them. Who knows.

I'm so glad to have some piece and quiet right now. Everyone, including Richard, was in bed before 8:00! I could get used to this! :)


Kim said...

Chelle, well it's good to know that I'm normal! I just emailed her teacher about a few concerns that I had. Hopefully she won't think I'm a freak!

I read to Kyra every night. We go to the library once a week and pick out 7 books! :)

Jen said...

I'm sure teachers of those early grades are used to parents being parents. Especially parents of first-time "off to school" kids. They have to make extra-special teachers for these early years! It's a first for both you and Kyra!

I couldn't get my milk open in Kindergarten, either. Hell, I still can't always get those cartons open as an adult! Most of the time, I'm trying from the wrong end, too... that and Band-aids; I can't open Band-aids properly. I actually rip the Band-aid when I try...they should package those differently...

I would totally be shy about asking for help in that area, too. All I remember about the kindergarten lunchroom is a kid named Victor who used to get a plastic spoon and flip his peas at everyone...

Kim said...

OMG Jen, I thought the same thing! How the heck is Kyra supposed to open a carton of milk if I can't even do it? She ate in the cafeteria again today and she told me that once again she didn't drink anything. So I emailed the teacher and am waiting to hear back from her. I think there should be someone walking around asking the kids if they need help opening something. Geez, they can't even tie their shoes for goodness sakes! They are still "babies" in my eyes. There are a lot of mechanical things that they just can't do yet.

I'm laughing because Kyra told me yesterday that a little boy was doing "weird things" with his spaghetti and making her laugh. Kids will be kids. ;)

Oh and I hear ya on those band-aids! I feel the same way! That and even some of those chip bags are hard as heck to open! Maybe that's because we aren't supposed to be eating them! LOL!