Monday, August 21, 2006

Well, it's official....

My baby went to Kindergarten today! She had a wonderful time too! When I took her this morning, she was excited, yet cautious. When I picked her up, she had so many things to tell me about her day. I'm so glad. I couldn't wait to go and get her. Tomorrow, she will start to ride the bus home in the afternoons. I can't imagine her riding the bus to AND from school. I like seeing her school and interacting with her teacher. So, I'm glad that we came to an agreement on that. I'm exhausted, so I really need to get to bed. Here's a picture of her from this morning though. Oh and can I just say how weird it is seeing your child's middle initial on forms now. Kyra M. S______ is just sounds so much more "grown up". I don't like it. :(

1 comment:

Jen said...

I feel so bad for you! I don't know what to do or say!