Thursday, December 15, 2005

I heart my UPS man.....

I just love that guy. I don't know who he is, but God put him on this block for a reason! LOL! He must know that we have a baby in the house after I left the "Do not knock or ring doorbell, baby sleeping" sign on the front door over a month ago. He never knocked or rang the doorbell (unlike the other idiots that can't read) and just left the packages at the front door.

But guess what he does now? He leaves the packages at the SIDE DOOR so that when we get out of the car, we see them right there and can take them into the house! WOW! This also prevents Mia from seeing him at the front door and having her usual "barkfest". I feel like he really knows how we work around here. We never come in the front door anyway. We always come in the side door after getting out of the car. How does he know that? I guess it doesn't take a genius to figure it out, but I'm just grateful that he's so kind! :)

Now I'm thinking that he probably has kids and understands. I really need to bake him some Christmas cookies. After all, he deserves it after delivering all of the crap that Richard orders off of Ebay! LOL!

1 comment:

Jen said...

What a brilliant UPS guy! Wow!