Thursday, December 15, 2005

Not to be outdone....

This is where we find Mia most of the time....on our bed under the covers. I swear this dog is the laziest one on the planet. She sleeps with Richard during the day and with me at night. Last night, she was in her crate sleeping till I went to bed. Then she discovered that Richard's electric blanket was left on, so she went to lay on that. Whenever I wash my sheets and I get them out of the dryer, she lays on them too! The other day I told Kyra that Mia doesn't need anything for Christmas because it's Christmas everyday for her. I did have a horrible nightmare last night about something happening to her though. It really freaked me out. I was glad to find her under the covers....laying right next to me. Oh, and Richard took Maeve for walks in the jogging stroller two days this week and let Mia go along. Richard said that she does pretty well with a leash. He needs to take a picture of that because I still can't picture it. LOL!

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