Friday, December 30, 2005

So happy together....

My favorite picture thus far. *sigh*


Lynda said...

I don't see a picture.


Lynda said...

Oh, I see it now! :) That is a wonderful picture. The baby has blue eyes like my sister did when she was a baby. I bet she gets comments on them all the time.

Lynda said...

Oh, and Kyra has pretty brown eyes too!

Us brown-eyed girls need more compliments on our eyes. lol.

Sorry for the three posts. Hope you weren't disappointed they were all me.

Kim said...

Not disappointed at all. ;)

Thanks Lynda!

Jen said...

Darling girls-

can you get another one, with Mia in the middle and her paws folded over each other? That would be classic!

Kim said...

Actually Jen, I love it when she's sitting there crossing her paws. She looks so ladylike! LOL!

I'll try, but I can't make any promises. Maeve is captivated by Mia, so I know she wouldn't be looking at the camera!