Saturday, September 30, 2006

Being a parent is fun! LOL!

So last night I was putting Kyra to bed and we talked about how she should behave today. We just got back from a birthday party. Usually, she throws a fit in there somewhere. Frankly, I'm tired of it. She's FIVE now and should act like it. So I told her that she should use her manners and when it's time to leave, she shouldn't cry. I don't know where this conversation turned a corner, but next thing you know, we are talking about Santa. I told Kyra that she better behave because Santa is watching her and wants to know how she's behaving, so he calls me after she goes to bed. She didn't believe me. Then I told her that he has every parents' number and we all have his phone number too. Then she sort of believed me. Lastly, I told her that I called Santa last week one night after she went to bed to tell him that she had been acting really good lately and she was especially good at school. That really caught her attention. She believed me! LOL!

Little white lies like that don't hurt, right? Or have I scarred my child for life? ;)

Oh by the way, she got off to a rocky start at the party, but then behaved very well....a lot better than I expected. She didn't like all of the "rough" boys jumping and bumping into her on the moonwalk! LOL! Wait till our own little "boy" (bully Maeve) grows up! Boy is she in for a rude awakening! ;)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Ha! you reminded me of how my grandma would start in on us this time of year "Sanny Claus is watchin' you!" she'd start making "threats" like that during my grandpa's birthday every October and really lay it on thick over Thanksgiving. We weren't even off the hook the week of Christmas when we were visiting. We had to be good up until THE VERY DAY.