Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Circle of Love....

Some unfortunate circumstances have put a friend of mine in a very tough that I never, ever hope to be in. She knows who she is. Hon, I'm praying for you and hoping that you seek God's help in finding the happiness that you so deserve.

With all that's happened to her, I started thinking about love. When it comes to family, I like to think of love as a circle. It's infinite. It never ends. It's round. It's wholesome.

I'd like to think that each family member has a special spot within the circle. In order for the circle to stay together and continue to live up to its name, each member must equally love the other. The husband must love the wife, the wife must love the husband, together they must love their children and vice versa. This keeps the circle going. It completes the circle.

Granted the love between a husband and wife is different from the love between a parent and a child, but it's just as important. I don't think a mother and a father can completely love their child unless they love themselves and in most cases, each other. I realize that this doesn't always happen. There are parents that aren't together. But the respect, honesty, and loyalty should still be there. They do owe their child that much.

I hate to see broken circles. But they do happen. If you or someone you know are part of a broken circle, don't fret. There is time to complete the circle again. Healing will occur. Happiness will occur. Your family will be whole again. But you do have to take a long, hard look at the outside forces that caused this broken circle. Are they truly sorry for what they did? Do you trust them? Do you honestly believe that 100% of their love is devoted to you at all times?

You also have to ask yourself if you can tolerate this behavior a 2nd time if it's repeated. Because usually it is.

I'm not an expert on relationships by any means. I'm just stating how I feel. I truly believe that healing starts with forgiveness.....not only with each other, but with God. In the end, He will be the one who decides your fate.

Again, I hope and pray for my friend. I pray that this post gives her a little insight to things she may have not noticed before. She's a strong girl. She'll be fine. And I think she knows what's important and what she has to do. ;)


Jen said...

Even Dr. Laura says that a husband and wife must love each other first and put their spouse's needs before those of their children. She's very adamant about not making the children the sole focus of either parent or their whole "world". You cannot ignore each other's needs, or put other things ahead of them.

Kim said...

You're right Jen. I detest how parents stay together "because of the children" too. If a spouse is cheating or you're in a unhealthy relationship (abuse, etc.), it's not doing any good for you to be together. The love and respect must ALWAYS be there. Again, they owe it to their children to give them the best life possible. Who knows what the child might think later on in life if he/she found out that their parents really didn't love each other and stayed together for convenience sake.

And why oh why would you want to live your life being unhappy? Life is short. You could die tomorrow. Get rid of the negative baggage. Live life to the fullest!