Sunday, September 17, 2006

24 hours straight....

Richard worked last night and attempted to stay up all day today visiting with my dad and playing with the kiddos. My dad and Kyra went to pick up pizza around 5:00 and shortly after that, Richard konked out on the sofa. He's still there now (it's nearly 10:00). Some funny things happened while Richard was out for the count.

I bathed the girls and after that Maeve discovered that her daddy went to sleep with a piece of pizza in his hand. I'm not kidding. Kyra tried to convince me of this earlier, but I didn't believe her. Maeve steals the pizza and starts eating it! LOL!

For some odd reason, I found the box of guitar picks on him too. I don't know if he put them there or one of the girls did. Who knows. And I bet he won't remember either.

Maeve decided that her daddy was a jungle gym and crawled all over him. He didn't flinch. She even moved his leg herself and pushed it on the floor! LOL!

Kyra decided that it would be fun to crown daddy "king", so she made a crown for him with some of those megablocks and put it on his head. Again, he didn't move.

Kyra also tried to talk me into letting her paint Richard's toenails. LMAO! Can you imagine the horror of that? He would wake up in the morning and be freaking out! She also wanted to do his fingernails. Too bad 8:00 rolled around fairly quickly and she had to go to bed.

I bet he won't believe me when I tell him these things in the morning! LOL!


Jen said...

LOL! I was already planning to ask in comments about painting the toenails- way to go, Kyra! You should have let them put shaving cream in his hand, and tickle his face, too. Or dip his hand in a cup of warm water...

A lady I used to babysit for painted smiley faces on her husband's toenails when he was home sick and asleep once...he didn't notice until he was wearing his flip-flops through the grocery store...

Please, please do a follow-up post!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog finally! LOL Derrick can sleep like that. i've sometimes had to shout in his ear and practically jump on him to wake him up.

I hope Richard got the rest he needed. LOL

Kim said...

Hey there Emma! Come on and cross on over to the dark side and start a blog! ;)

Anonymous said...

LOL - I did. It's listed in my profile. The boards and MSN groups were all blocked and I was getting desperate! LOL

Kim said...

Duh! I'm going there right now, Emma!

Gracey said...

Hi There. This is my first time viewing your blog site. I'm a regular of Chelle's site. I can't help but crack up about your children. I don't have any children yet; my husband and I haven't been married too long. So, this is what I get to look forward to huh? :) puking children and kids that don't want to go to bed...too funny.

Kim said...

Gracey, thanks for stopping in. That Chelle is a sweetheart isn't she? Where in Texas do you live? We are just south of Austin.