Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Can't you read?

I specifically put a sign on our door today saying, "Please DO NOT ring doorbell OR knock on door. Baby sleeping." This was for the UPS man because we are expecting several deliveries this week. Our UPS man is cool, so I figured that he'd have no problem reading the sign and abiding by it. Those of you that have been to our house know that Maeve's room is right around the corner from the front door.

Anyway, I get home from teaching around 2 and Maeve is napping and I'm sitting here at the computer *thinking* that I'm hearing someone knock at the door. Sure enough, I look out the peephole and it's the same black guy that knocks on the door every freakin week. I don't answer. He knocks again.....this time louder. I still don't answer. Then he's BANGING on the door and by this time, Mia hears it and she's having her usual heart attack when someone is at the door. I still don't answer it and he goes away.

So did my sign that was taped to the door fall off? Nope. It's still there. And conveniently, Maeve is now awake as well as a result of the banging and the dog barking. Lovely. There goes the first 45 minutes of her afternoon nap. It's going to take me FOREVER to get her to go back down.

My blood was boiling. I put that on the door this morning in hopes that we'd get an uninterrupted day. Couldn't this guy read? If not, then he has no business going from door to door trying to sell whatever it is that he's selling. I see him in the neighborhood....walking and waving to people like he's in a flippin parade. Richard thinks that he's just begging for money. I don't care. I won't answer the door for anyone unless I know them.

I have had the occasional desire to answer the door with a baby hanging on a boob though. I bet that would make them never want to come to the door again.


Jen said...

Ugh! I guess your next move wil be a "No Soliciting" sign, or one of those black and orange "No Trespassing" ones in the window!

Kim said...

Yeah, my dad suggested a "No Soliciting" sign too, but now I'm convinced that it wouldn't help either. Ugh.