Sunday, November 27, 2005

Yeah, I'm never doing this again....

So I'm very sleep deprived right now. Maeve will not nap or sleep at night. It's now almost 4:30am and she's been up TWICE since midnight. Um, that's when I finally put Kyra in her bed because I was tired of hearing her snore and couldn't sleep. I'm VERY tired. I'm almost resentful of Richard getting to sleep during the day.....uninterrupted.

Every once in a while, I get this feeling of "Oh my gosh, I'm never going to have another baby. It's sad." But then I have nights like this and I'm very happy that we are done. I'm very content and look forward to the day (or in this case, night) when I can get a full night's rest again. I keep telling myself, "this too shall pass....", but Kyra and Maeve are two different people. I'm scared that I won't do the exact same things with Maeve and she'll end up being a horrible sleeper. I honestly think that we will have to let her "cry it out" at some point. The more we comfort her at night, the angrier she gets. I know this sounds strange, but it's true. Some kids are just different. Kyra wanted total silence when she was an infant. Maeve wants noise....lots of it.

I pray that God lets me have a few hours of sleep. I really need it if I'm going to function tomorrow (today).


Jen said...

Do you have a sound machine you can put in her room? My friend Lauren used (probably still does) one for Caleb for most of his young life (he's 5 now). Not only does it create a "white noise" that is repetitive enough to put him to slee, it also blocks noise if she has friends over after he goes to bed.

Maybe you should start taking Maeve for an evening walk. Could be there will be enough to look at and entertain her long enough to wear her out. Or the motion and stroller noise will knock her out. Or maybe her daytime sleep routine just needs to be tweaked. I hope you figure out something- I know it's no fun for the mom!

Kim said...

Maeve still sleeps with her heartbeat bear and I have a CD going all the time in there with thunder, water, and music on it. So she's got plenty of noise.

Yep, I think we need to do something in the evenings to wear her out before bath and bed. I just don't want her "overtired" though. It's not fun dealing with a baby that's overtired.

She goes through phases like this when she's teething or reaching a new milestone. They don't like to sleep. I'm sure things will calm down soon. Till then I just have to rest when I can!