Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A clueless commercial....

I saw a commercial for Aspercreme tonight and it made me angry. Why? Because they showed a person doing yoga in it! WTF? If that person were doing yoga to reap its youthful benefits, then they would not need to be using Aspercreme! That's totally sending a mixed message! I found a good link that describes the benefits in a nutshell. Here it is. I've had a lot of people take my Body Flow class because they are nursing injuries. They crave the yoga to make their bodies stronger and help them feel better. I've even had individuals tell me that yoga did for them what doctors and medicine couldn't do.

I just didn't like that the Aspercreme commercial was telling me that in order to do yoga, I had to use Aspercreme. Ugh.


Jen said...

I guess the writers of the commercial were thinking more along the lines of "might need Aspercreme on the soreness of the previous day's yoga in order to get through it long enough to warm up enough not to feel it in today's yoga..." or something like that. It still makes it unnecessary, but the general non-exercise aware public is just that uneducated and misinformed.

Kim said...

Yeah, but it just made me angry. You know that yoga makes you feel good and if you're sore, then it's a good sore.

They should have had a runner or someone walking on a treadmill. That would have made more sense (and wouldn't have ticked me off so much).

Jen said...

Yeah. It would make more sense. Sometimes, ad people should opt not to keep up with the times.

Lynda said...

Most commericals are unrealistic, imo.