Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A "sign" of things to come.....

So I found this taped on the door to Kyra's room this morning. She told me that it says, "No babies allowed in my room." I guess that means that she's not too happy with Maeve's recent mobility. But, then again Kyra insisted on covering Maeve up with a blanket this morning so they could play "tent", so she must like her sister somewhat! ;)


Jen said...

Wow! The "circle and slash" part is really clever! I don't think I was aware of such things, let alone understood what they meant! at that age...

How long before she figures out that Maeve can't read yet?

Kim said...

OMG. I forgot to say that this morning after she had put that up and told Richard about it, I asked her, "So Kyra, do you think that Maeve can read that sign?" She looked me straight in the eye with the most serious look and said, "Yes." LOL! I was rolling!

Lynda said...

Well, if Maeve can't read, she should understand the universal sign of circle/slash. :)