Wednesday, January 11, 2006

We are mobile!

I think Maeve is on the road to crawling. A while ago, I heard some noise and left the computer to find her at the side door messing with the blinds! ACK! Usually when she wants to get somewhere, she rolls over and over and over, so that might be how she got there.

Then I decided to put her on the carpet and just watch her from the kitchen. She *is* moving! I'm going to start calling her "inchworm" because that's what she looks like when she moves. She gets up on her hands and knees and then uses her legs to propel her body forward and ends up flat on her tummy again. It's hilarious to watch.

Last night I had decided that Maeve was going to skip crawling and move on to standing. But, I guess I was wrong. She really loves to stand against something (with help...she can't pull up on her own yet). Yep, she's happy as a clam in a standing position. She gets this delightful look in her eyes. Oy vay! We are in so much trouble!


Emily said...

I can't believe how fast she is growing....
WTG Maeve!!!

Lynda said...

Nooooo! She is growing to fast!

Just like Calem....

Well, it is all for the best! Go, Maeve!