Saturday, December 30, 2006
Poor Bubba.....
Bubba liked to frequent the old swimming hole but was never able to attract the girls.
He decided to ask his friend Billy-Bob for advice...
"It's those big baggy swimming trunks that make you look like an old fool....they're years outta style.
Your best bet is to grab yourself a pair of Speedos-about two sizes too little and drop a fist-sized tater down inside them.I'm telling ya man...ya'll have all the babes you want!"
The following weekend, Bubba hits the swimming hole with his spanking new tight Speedos, and his fist-sized potato.
Everybody at the swimming hole was disgusted as he walked by, covering their faces, turning way, laughing, looking sick!
Bubba went back to his buddy Billy-Bob and asked him, "What's wrong now?"
"Lord-Almighty!" said Billy-Bob, "The tater goes in the front!"
Closet memories....
One morning, I noticed that the closet door in my room was a bit open (and it's a big closet). Instead of closing it, I opened it and staring me right in the face were dresses. Dresses of my past. Let me make a list of what all I remember seeing in there.
-My mom's wedding dress from 1965.
-A flower girl dress from my cousin's wedding (Susan and Ron) that I was in in 1982.
-My sister's flower girl dress from my aunt and uncle's wedding (Sandra and Gary) in 1983.
-My junior bridesmaid's dress from my aunt and uncle's wedding (Sandra and Gary) in 1983.
-My Confirmation/8th grade graduation dress from 1991. My mom helped me pick out this dress before she died and she loved it, so it's so important to me. I also wore this dressing in May of that year because I was chosen by my classmates to be the one to crown Mary for the May Crowning.
-My bridesmaid's dress and my sister's bridesmaid's dress from our cousin's wedding (Cheryl and Scotty) in 1993.
-My prom dress from 1995.
-My graduation gown from 1995.
-My bridesmaid's dress and my sister's bridesmaid's dress from our cousin's wedding (Roxie and Darren) in 1997.
-My veil from my wedding in 1998.
-The box that my heirloomed wedding dress is in from 1998.
I think that about covers it. There were a few dresses of my sister's in there too from various Homecomings and Proms.
I can't believe that so much time has gone by. It seems like just yesterday.......
Friday, December 29, 2006
My wish for you in 2007.....
May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet for $100 bills.
May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips!
May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy.
May the problems you had, forget your home address!
In simple words........
May 2007 be the best year of your life!!!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Thursday Thirteen.....
1.) We left on Sunday morning. Richard worked the night before. He was tired. Then when we got to my cousins', he started drinking. By 5:00 that evening, he was ready to collapse. He said that he was fighting to keep his eyes open after seeing gift after gift after gift. LOL! We got him into the car and he slept the entire way home. Kyra rode with Papoo to Victoria and Maeve watched DVDs in the back.
2.) However, later that night, he did finally get up and since he was still "abuzz", he wanted to "like me more than usual." LOL!
3.) Christmas morning, we went to church and my dad proceeded to tell me that the priest that we had was just ordained a few months ago. He was awesome.....very well spoken. He swayed back and forth when he spoke and was very into his sermon and the Mass overall. What an awesome experience we had seeing him preside over his first Christmas Mass.
4.) My sister and BIL came to my dad's (Christmas is also my dad's birthday) and we had the traditional hot dogs with all of the trimmings for lunch. LOL! Yummy!
5.) The kids got a loot of gifts from my sister and BIL and my dad. Remind me to give Lisa and Nathan's children plenty of gifts that are LOUD and contain LOTS of pieces. ;)
6.) We went to MIL's house to find that Richard's cousin from Alabama was down. Richard was so funny. He was like, "Is that Ashley sleeping on the sofa?" His mom said, "Yes." Then he scared her half to death by yelling at her to get up. LOL!
7.) Once again, more loots of gifts. Overall, Maeve wasn't that into the gift opening. She was more into stealing others' gifts. LOL!
8.) BIL said that he "forgot" my gift at home. I think that he "forgot" to buy one. So, I got my gift the day after Christmas....a slew of Bath and Body Works stuff and a $40 gift card to Victoria's Secret. WTF? I'll take it! Honestly, I'm wondering if he was trying to make Richard look bad. ;)
9.) Christmas night was relaxing. Kyra spent the night at MIL's and we took Maeve back to my dad's and put her to bed early. We just sat up and talked.....just Richard and I.
10.) We went to pick Kyra up yesterday (on the 26th) and then came back home. We were so flippin happy to be home. I longed to sleep in my own bed. I felt icky because I ate and hadn't exercised since Saturday, so Maeve and I went for a 4 mile run. That felt good.
11.) By last night, my house was trashed. I didn't care. The kids were happy. They were busy playing with their toys and out of my hair! LOL!
12.) I love Christmas and all, but hate the aftermath. I feel like I have a Christmas hangover. There are still toys everywhere and toys that need to be taken to the consignment shop. We have too many of them. Oh, and the laundry! We were only gone for 3 days! I swear it never ends.
13.) I go to the gym today to teach and I weigh myself. I always weigh on Wednesdays on the exact same scale. I pray that the scale gods are very kind to me. I step on today and see that I'm down another 2 lbs. WTF? I've lost 4 lbs. in a little over 2 weeks. Damn I hope this trend continues. That 10-15 lbs. that I want to lose doesn't seem so unrealistic now.
Hope your Christmas was filled with joy and surprises! And Happy 2007! May it be your best year yet!
Friday, December 22, 2006
This will have to do.....
I see that you two have been very good this year. You deserved a bunch of nice presents under the tree. I hope you like them. Remember to continue to obey your mommy and daddy and always try to do your best in everything that you do. Santa likes that.
I have a lot of houses to visit yet. I must make my way to Jayme’s house and then to Jake’s house too. There have been a lot of good little boys and girls this year that need Christmas presents too.
I love you! Have a Merry Christmas!
PS- Rudolph says “Hi”. Did you hear him on the roof last night?
I typed it on Word and put the letters in red. I also put a picture of Santa at the top. Kyra will love it.
Santa will have been here by morning! ;)
World's shortest fairy tale....
The guy said, "No".
The girl lived happily ever after and went shopping, drank martinis, always had a clean house, never had to cook, stayed skinny, and was never farted on.
***Kim's note: I'm sure this would happen if you'd never have kids too! LOL! ;)
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Um, isn't Christmas for the kids?
He just added a saxophone to his collection. Why? I HAVE NO IDEA. He ordered a DVD and some sort of "guide" to go along with it. One thing is for sure. The sax is LOUD. We have our "shop" totally closed in and insulated. It's basically a room. You can watch movies on surround sound and not hear a thing in the house. But the sax? You can hear that from Kyra and Maeve's rooms which are at the front of the house. Earplugs anyone?
He also has a small "john" boat. He has not one, but TWO guitars. He also has a 30+ gallon fishtank and he's on the hunt for a 55 gallon one.
WTF is wrong with him? What kind of illness does he have?
If there's a cure, I will pay BIG MONEY.
And then there was ink.....
Maeve is getting into EVERYTHING today. I said, "Richard, she's driving me bonkers today." He said, "Well you know, trash goes today so if you want...." I know. That's mean. We are good parents. I promise. (Don't worry....she's still here.) ;)
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
You did what?
Now Richard is frantically chasing Maeve around and trying to re-diaper her. Ugh.
I'm NOT surprised that Maeve just stood there and let Kyra take her clothes off. She'll let Kyra do anything to her. Kyra could put makeup on her and she'd sit still and let her do it.
Kyra said that she REALLY thought that Maeve had to go potty because Maeve was pointing to the toilet! LOL!
Maybe Kyra will train Maeve in a few months. That'll make my job a lot easier.
Kind of reminds me of this little incident. Remember that one? ;)
Uh oh, it's that *word* again.......
Shortly after we moved here on Valentine's Day 2004, it snowed. Kyra was almost 3. I doubt that she remembers it. I do have some pictures around here somewhere though of Kyra and Richard outside in it. It was just a dusting of snow....nothing like what South Texas had that Christmas.
So, here we are. We are less than a week away from Christmas and they are talking about snow again. This time up here in Central Texas. I would LOVE for it to snow here, but please let it happen while we are here! We are leaving on Sunday and returning on Tuesday. I would be heartbroken yet again if it snowed at my house this time around and we weren't here to see it. I keep praying that one day, one time, the stars align and we are right in the midst of all of the snow.
I still don't think it will be cold enough for snow this Christmas. But stranger things have happened. In 2004, Christmas was on a Saturday. That Tuesday before, the temperature in Corpus Christi was a balmy 82 degrees! Can you believe that?
As for Christmas plans, we are leaving on Sunday morning for Schulenburg. We'll be there through Christmas Eve night. Then we'll drive to Victoria. We'll spend Christmas Eve night there and wake up on Christmas morning and go to church. We'll spend part of the day with my dad (it's his birthday) and then go out to Richard's mom's that evening. We'll stay that night at my dad's again and then come back home sometime on Tuesday.
LOTS of fingers crossed that everyone is safe and HEALTHY this Christmas!
Monday, December 18, 2006
One week away.....
So I went to Walmart early this morning (like 7:30 early) just to exchange a gift for a larger size. Richard said that Maeve needed one of those mini Magna Doodles. So I walked back into the toy department and immediately chuckled. There were boxes EVERYWHERE! All of the employees were putting more toys on the shelves. I guess they anticipate a big week. Either that, or they had a big weekend and needed to restock.
Kyra has school through Wednesday. I'm glad. She'd be bored here at home if she were already out.
I think we'll venture around the neighborhood tonight and look at lights. Then we'll drive our way around some other neighborhoods later this week.
I suppose that Santa will come on Saturday morning. We'll leave on Sunday morning to go to Schulenburg. More details on that coming up later.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
When all else fails, brag......
-When she wakes up in the morning, she wants me. She gives me her blankie and then wants me to pick her up out of the crib. She wants to snuggle. So I sit on the sofa with feet propped up. I turn on the TV and just hold her. She lays on me for a good 5-10 minutes. I savor this time with her. It's the only time of the day when she's still. I think that she does this because we nursed for so long. It's all that she knew how to do when she'd wake up. So even though we're done nursing, she still wants to snuggle. *sigh*
-Her babbling has turned into talking! Sure she sounds like she's speaking in Chinese most of the time, but familiar words are becoming more frequent. The other day she couldn't find me, so she said, "Mommy.....where are you?" LOL! She'll pretty much attempt to repeat anything. It's quite funny.
-She can climb on the swingset slide all by herself and slide down all by herself! YAY! This is HUGE! Kyra did this at a young age too, but I think Maeve's climbing abilities made this so easy to learn how to do.
-Separation anxiety is disappearing! YAY! She has warmed up to so many people (and dogs) lately. She now likes her Uncle Nate. She likes Raider. She had a blast with her "Aunt" Melissa and "Uncle" Dean last night (her Godparents). There's no doubt in my mind that she'll be ready for preschool next fall.
-She loves to dance. This kid gets down and boogies. She loves the dance studio where Kyra takes dancing. She's welcome to take dancing there when she potty trains....even if she's not 3 years old yet. I can totally see this as a bribery tactic! LOL!
-Christmas is magical for her this year. She's totally into Santa and the lights and decorations. She points them out when I put her in the jogger for my run. I've decided that one night this week, I'm going to put her in the stroller and take her around the neighborhood so she can see everything lit up close. She'll love that.
-Her blue eyes still captivate me. I sit in awe of her. I still can't believe she's mine.
-Her big belly laugh is infectious.
-Today she walked around the house with a bucket on her head. She had no idea where she was going. She was bumping into things and laughing hysterically. Again, she's weird, but I love her.
I feel much better now. I'm off to cuddle with my Mama Bear.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
To get you in the holiday spirit.....
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Long term memory....
First of all, the picture brought me to tears. It's just so sweet to see this. I remember the last time I spoke to Granny. She said, "Kyra will never remember me." Well, I think that this is proof that Kyra does remember her.
Kyra prays for Granny a lot. I used to say, "Oh Kyra, Granny's not sick anymore, so let's pray for someone else." Now I don't say that. When Kyra prays for her, I know that she's thinking of her. She prayed for her tonight in fact.
When Granny passed away, Kyra was days away from being 3 years old. Since she remembers her funeral so clearly, I think she was getting her long term memory. One of the earliest memories that I can recall was my sister being born and being a baby. I was almost 3 too. So I guess that it happens around that age.
I love the fact that Kyra is writing sentences now. She has some pretty interesting things to write about too. In fact, we are running out of paper in the house. ;)
TV at its best....
This is by far the funniest show I've ever seen. It's simple and stupid. I love it!
We have all of the episodes taped so far. So if you want to catch up, shoot me a message or an email and I'll make a DVD for you!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
I'm Tenderheart Bear....
![]() | Tenderheart Bear |
Oh go away already!
Mistaken identity....
For the record, I don't hardly keep up with my Hotmail account. It's for professional purposes only (resumes, etc.). And I don't update a profile with any personal information or pictures. That's why I had to laugh when this person acted like they "knew" me.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
You know you're sick when.....
Friday, December 08, 2006
That's it, I'm crawling into my hole....
To make matters even worse, there was a holier than thou woman walking into JC Penney's while I was walking out. I had Maeve in the stroller and Kyra was walking beside me. I guess expecting her to hold the door for us was expecting too much. She just walked right in and didn't even blink an eye. She was an older lady too and that really caught me off guard. I would expect that from somebody younger. I thought for sure she'd get the door for us. I always do as a common courtesy....especially when I see that someone has a heavy load. I do it a lot for moms with kiddos because I know how they feel.
Oh and BTW, you should see the pic of the girls with Santa. Kyra's barely smiling (she told me later that she wasn't ready.....WTF?) and Maeve has her "deer in the headlights" look going on. They were in awe of the entire mall. They are so deprived. All they know is what W-A-L-M-A-R-T spells.
Christmas cheer, anyone? ;)
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Santa is young.....
Then I ask her, "So Kyra, how old do you think Santa is?"
Her reply?
"Mommy, don't you know? He's 26!"
These kids kill me.
Thursday Thirteen.....
13 of my favorite Body Flow songs.....
1.) "Gabriel" by Lamb (BF 18)
2.) "Silence" (Michael Woods Remix) by Delerium (BF 19)
3.) "We're All Beautiful" by Joy of Living featuring Nitza (BF 21)
4.) "Center Of The Sun" by Conjure One (BF 22) ***There is also a remix on BF 32
5.) "Miserere" by Paul Schwartz and the Joyful Company of Singers (BF 24)
6.) "Just A Dream" by Delerium featuring Margaret Far (BF 26)
7.) "Dice" by Finley Quaye and William Orbit (BF 27)
8.) "After All" by Delerium featuring Jael (BF 28)
9.) "Here With Me (Rollo's Chillin With The Family Mix)" by Dido (BF 30)
10.) "Pilgrimage" by Conjure One (BF 33)
11.) "Anything But Strong" by The Eurythmics (BF 34)
12.) "God's Top Ten" by INXS (BF 34)
13.) "2 Hearts" by Sugababes (BF 34)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
He's still around....

But Teddy Ruxpin's price tag hasn't decreased in value at all. He's $68.84 at Walmart. Yeah, he's all fancy now with books and software too. Shoot, I bet you can get him cheaper than that on Ebay. LOL!
-We went to Victoria this weekend. We got there on Friday evening. My kiddos spent the entire weekend with my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law. I stayed at my dad's. Richard went fishing. It was a wonderful weekend. Everybody got a break.
-I came home this afternoon and the furniture in the living room is rearranged to look very nice. I think of how thoughtful my husband is. Then I realize that he has an alterior motive. He wants to put a BIGGER fishtank in the corner where the Christmas tree is. Ugh.
-Walmart was interesting this morning. I love this time of year in that place. People are either in a HUGE hurry or they take their sweet ass time with everything. I fit somewhere in the middle. This one man was talking to every lady that walked by including me. He claimed that he was shopping for his wife and his daughter. Yeah, I don't think he had either. I saw him several other times in the store by accident and he kept saying, "We meet again....". It was really freaking me out.
-Then I come across a sweet old lady that I swear had never set foot in a Walmart before. She came across the aisle with the Christmas dishes and said, "Oh my goodness! This aisle is so pretty! They have so many pretty colors in these!" LMAO! She was like a kid in a toy store. She was literally dumbfounded.
-I also came to the conclusion that greeting cards are WAAAAY overpriced. I'm now wondering how much greeting card writers make. I could come up with that stuff. No problem.
-I'm going to *attempt* to sit both of my kids down this afternoon for a Christmas picture in front of the Christmas tree. Pray for me.
-Oh, I forgot to mention that my 5 year old was having the meltdown off her life yesterday when we went to my mother-in-law's to pick her up. All she kept saying was, "I'm having a bad day....I can't quit crying."
-I'm slowly but surely getting all of my shopping done. I'm almost there. I need to get caught up on my wrapping steps.
-Speaking of babies, I'm having a really hard time facing the fact that I don't really have one anymore (well physically anyway). I do have one rambunctious toddler who changes daily. Her features are changing. She's learning so much. She's talking. She's comforting. It's really amazing. Waaaaaa!
-On the heels of that last comment, I really need to STOP looking at ads in the papers for chihuahuas. I did it again at my dad's yesterday. Do I want one right now? YES! Can I handle one right now? NOOOOOO! Have you met Hurricane Maeve? Oh, and Jen, you need to knock it off too. Your emails of "Look at this...." or "Aren't these cute?" really don't help either. ;)
-I'm happy to report though that Miss Mia has lost a bit of weight. She looks good! A few people noticed this weekend. We changed up her diet a bit and control her portions better now. My dad says that he can now feel her ribs. LMAO!
-I honestly think that the Santa gifts won't get wrapped this year. I'm lazy. Sue me. I just don't feel like buying extra paper and hiding it too. I've heard of others that don't wrap Santa gifts either. I don't know why I didn't think of it before. My mom put all of our "Santa" gifts in trash bags one year! PIMP!
-I have a lot to do this week, but we aren't leaving town this weekend like we have the last two weekends, so hopefully I'll be around more. :)
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Thursday Thirteen....
Thirteen Things That I've Learned This Year
1.) I've Learned That Nursing Is A Magical Time Between Mommy and Baby- We quit nursing in May. Both of us were ready to quit. It was time. But now I look back and actually miss it. It's such a short period of time that you nurse. It's the one time where your baby is actually still and totally dependent on you. I loved that. Now I have a very defiant toddler that doesn't like to cuddle and won't stay on my lap for more than a few seconds. In fact, I just found her standing in the bathroom in the dark with the door closed. *sigh*
2.) I've Learned That It *Is* Possible To Take A Training And Pump At The Same Time- It was difficult and I was away for an entire weekend, but I survived. So did Maeve. We missed each other a lot though.
3.) I've Learned That It Is Possible For A Surgery To Get Cancelled- Richard went in for some nose surgery in March and walked right back out of there. They refused to do it because they found an even bigger problem.
4.) I've Learned That The Heart Is An Amazing Organ And What Can Be Done With It Is Even More Amazing- Richard's PFO wasn't a problem and was easily fixed. They put in a device that acted as an umbrella and fit right on his heart. It opened up and the heart tissue will grow around it. All of this was done through a incisions at all. Technology is amazing.
5.) I've Learned That Kid #2 Can Be Entirely Different From Kid #1- That's usually the case, right? Well I'm learning this first hand. Maeve is a rambunctious toddler that is extremely hard headed (gee, I wonder who she gets that from?). Kyra was an easy going kid. She still is. I can't wait to see what the future holds.
6.) I've Learned That Kid #1 and Kid #2 Can Be Best Friends.....No Matter What The Age Difference- These girls have bonded. Kyra sticks up for Maeve. She helps her out. They play. They dance. Maeve yells Kyra's name at the dance studio when she sees her in the room before we pick her up. Maeve yells her name at the bus stop. It warms my heart.
7.) I've Learned That Kindergarten Is Completely Different From Preschool- What an adjustment! I had a harder time than Kyra did. All of a sudden, my child was riding the bus. She had homework. We had to be on time. She's eating the food in the cafeteria for lunch. She's making LOTS of friends. I have to attend a parent/teacher conference. She gets a report card. We're in the "big time" now.
8.) I've Learned That It's Going To Be A LONG TIME Before My House Is The Way I Want It- Between kids that make tons of messes, the walls that I want to paint, the floors that I want to get, and the new furniture that I want to get, I realize that it could be YEARS before it happens. But one can dream, right?
9.) I've Learned That I Can Be In Great Shape- Exercise-wise, I have never been in better shape. I'm doing 2 Body Step classes per week, doing/teaching Body Flow twice a week, and running over 4 miles 2-3 times per week. I absolutely love working out. It's an addiction. My body craves it. I love the feeling I get after an exhilarating workout. Now if I could just low carb it for a while and get my eating under control. Then I could lose that 10-15 lbs.
10.) I've Learned That There Are Some VERY WEIRD People Out There- Right, Jen? LOL! I'm not going to name names. That would be rude. ;)
11.) I've Learned That An Imagination Can Be A Beautiful, Beautiful Thing- Sorry, but I'm not going to elaborate here. I'll keep it to myself. :)
12.) I've Learned To Let Go- I'm not elaborating here either, but a select few know who I'm talking about.
13.) I've Learned That Life Is All About Family And Friends- I'm so thankful for my wonderful family. I love each and every one of them. I've made some new friends this year and reconnected with some old ones too. For that, I'm grateful. I thank you for letting me into your lives.
Well, she's *sort of* right.....

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
The pink slip is back.....
Before I could even read the nurse's pass, Kyra explained to me that she was running at recess and tripped and fell (so what else is new?) and got some sand in her eyes. She went to the nurse's office and the nurse put some drops in her eyes. She also gave her some ice.
OMG, I'm convinced that my child LOVES the nurse. I think she's been at least a handful of times since school began.
I told Richard that I might just have to get the nurse a Christmas gift too! LOL!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Someone please enlighten me.....
Rant over. Now back to your regularly scheduled program.
Pardon the mess.....
I might try to play around with links, etc. so if something looks funny for a long period of time, then let me know.
Why even bother.....
Makes me wonder why celebs even bother to get married. You know that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes aren't going to last either. Then that 3.5 million dollar hoopla of a celebration will have been a waste of time. But then again, everything those two do is a waste of time.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
We survived.....
We came home today around noon. My dad is here with us and he'll leave in the morning. Hopefully then things will return to normal a bit. Richard also gets off in the morning. I'm thinking about making him a "honey do" list. Lists work better than nagging around here. He probably won't like it, but he needs to realize that if he doesn't follow through with his jobs, he'll have to answer to not me, but to Sargeant Kyra. She's always on his case more than I am. *sigh*
I have so much to do this week. I need to start wrapping Christmas gifts and I need to start thinking about Christmas cards. We are leaving next Friday again for Victoria. Richard wants to fish/flounder all weekend. I need to get all of the rest that I can this week.
Hope your Thanksgiving was a great one! I was sick, but I text messaged back and forth all day with a few friends. That was nice. It was nice to be thought of! :)
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Geez times have changed.....
Garden Ridge has been open since this morning.....yeah, since Thanksgiving morning! They are staying open for something like 87 hours straight! WTF?
I've heard that the outlet malls in the area are opening at midnight tonight. Crazy. I thought the people getting to the stores at 5 am were crazy. Not anymore. These are the times when you must sleep on Thanksgiving day so that you can shop all night. Again, WTF?
The funniest moment happened yesterday (Wednesday) when Richard woke up later in the morning and asked why Kyra was home. LMAO! He thought that she had school yesterday! But really, I remember not getting out of school till noon on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Now everyone gets out that Tuesday. Heck, some schools have had off all week. It's NOT Spring Break people!
Also, remember the good ol days when school used to start after Labor Day? I hear they are trying to bring that back. Honestly, I'm ready for school to start mid-August though. The kids get restless and just need to get back to driving their teachers crazy! ;)
I could ramble on and on, but I need to go to bed. I need sleep. I feel better, but I'm still tired. The kids had a blast today. I'm glad. I miss my little rugrats though. Hopefully I'll be well enough to drive to join them at my sister's tomorrow.
Oh, and the big rivalry (UT vs. A&M) is on tomorrow. That's always fun to watch.
Well that sucks.....
As for me, I'm going to try to take a nap this morning. I figure that I'll wake up later and see how I feel. I'm drinking some Sprite and am trying to eat something. I don't know what was wrong. If I feel better later, then I might drive to where they are this afternoon/evening. If not, then I'll stay home and rest and drive to my sister's in the morning.
So much for a Happy Thanksgiving. I felt horrible sending my kids away this morning. I wanted to be with them so bad. :(
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm about to leave in a bit to teach Body Flow downtown. It's the last class there before Thanksgiving. Since people tend to leave work early, I hope somebody shows up. I really want to do this release today!
I'll be packing and cooking later today. Then the girls and I are heading out in the morning. Mia will stay here with Richard. Richard works Wed.-Sat. nights this week. We will be at my aunt and uncle's house tomorrow in the Schulenburg area and then we are staying two nights with my sister in La Grange. We'll be back on Saturday.
So, be safe, be happy and be FULL from all of the goodies! ;) You deserve it!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Liver and Cheese.....
Three handsome male dogs are walking down the street when they see a beautiful, enticing, female Poodle.
The three male dogs fall all over themselves in an effort to be the one to reach her first, but end up arriving in front of her at the same time.
The males are speechless before her beauty, slobbering on themselves and hoping for just a glance from her in return.
Aware of her charms and her obvious effect on the three suitors, she decides to be kind and tells them, "The first one who can use the words 'liver' and 'cheese' together in an imaginative, intelligent sentence can go out with me."
Shadow, the sturdy, muscular black Lab speaks up quickly and says, "I love liver and cheese." "Oh, how childish," said the Poodle. "That shows no imagination or intelligence whatsoever."
She turns to Dozer, the tall, shiny Golden Retriever and says "How well can you do?"
"Um. I HATE liver and cheese," blurts Dozer. "My, my," said the Poodle. "I guess it's hopeless. That's just as dumb as Shadow's sentence."
She then turns to the last of the three dogs and says, "How about you, little guy?"
The last of the three, tiny in stature but big in fame and finesse, is a Chihuahua. He gives her a smile, a sly wink, turns to the Shadow and Dozer, and says,"Liver alone, cheese mine!"
Friday, November 17, 2006
Stress already?!
On a brighter note, Kyra got a perfect report card today. Her teacher said that she's a "joy to have in class." I'm so proud of her. Her Papoo said that he'd give her money if she had a good report card, so she got on the phone tonight and told him to "Pay up!" LOL!
I'm sitting here in silence. Thank God my kids are worn out by 7pm and go to bed early. There's no alarm to set in the morning either, but Miss Kyra's internal "alarm" will wake me up much earlier than I want, I'm sure. Ugh.
We'll see just how much gets accomplished this weekend. Richard is working on Sunday during the day, so I'll have to get in gear and do a lot of it myself.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
-I'm tired of the toddler meltdowns. There are so many in a day that I can't even keep up. The words that continue to plague me are, "I need a drink." Today I saw her throw her cup across the room. I immediately got some "deja vu" thoughts because I've seen her daddy get so mad that he's thrown something so many times. Like father, like daughter, huh?
-Richard worked a day of overtime this week. YAY! Money! Too bad this day was the hardest of the week. I took Maeve to the doctor. Sure enough, she's on the verge of an ear infection. So she's on antibiotics. I just want her well before next week.
-Anybody want to come and clean my house? I'm so tired of having children that DO NOT clean up after themselves, so I end up doing it. Ugh. Will I ever have a clean house again?
-Emmitt Smith just won "Dancing With The Stars". Thank God. If Mario would have won, I would have demanded a recount. Mario looked genuinely pissed. Good.
-I'm watching my taped "Friday Night Lights". I adore this show. If you've never seen it, you need to watch it. It's good.
-Kyra gets her first report card this Friday. I can't wait to see it. She's been reading so much lately and I'm completely floored at her ability to pick up a book that she's never read before and read it. It's amazing. She's come a long way in just a few short months. I'm going with her class on a field trip next Tuesday. Actually, all of the Kindergarten classes are going. We are going in buses to the Austin Children's Museum. This ought to be really interesting. Expect a full update about that.
-Thanksgiving is next week. Next week? Already? WTF? I'm already freaking out because of all of the Christmas hype. I'm sooooo not ready. And I have to put up a tree. This is going to be difficult this year. Explaining "No, don't touch that" to a defiant toddler is going to be a chore. Her hands must touch everything.
-I still am not used to this Beta Blogger thing. I've tried posting on blogs, but have had none of my posts show up. So just know that I am reading. I know that they are still working on things. Hopefully everything will be ironed out soon.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
These kids and their fingers.....

This is a recent pic of Maeve. Notice she sucks her two middle fingers. She did this completely on her own. People laugh because they think she's making the Longhorn sign on purpose. She's not though. ;) She sucks on these fingers when she's tired and wants to go to sleep, or she wants to be comforted.

Monday, November 13, 2006
For Emily....
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Poor guy.....
Fast forward to this afternoon. The little boy from next door knocked on ours and wanted Richard to come outside. Our next door neighbor (his dad) wanted Richard to help him cut off this guy's water. There was water seeping out of his front door. You could see water on all sides of the house. I don't know what happened, but Richard said that if it was "that bad", then the entire house would probably have to be gutted. Ugh.
I just looked out the window and the guy is finally home. I don't know if he was gone all weekend or what. It looks like he's got every light in the house on. He'll be busy for a while. He's probably on the phone right now with his insurance company.
I wonder what happened. I'm sure we'll get the scoop from the folks next door. They know everything. ;)
I guess having some bent blinds (courtesy of Maeve) isn't so bad afterall. This guy's problem is much, much worse.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
It's not just mudslinging in the ads.....
The guy charged lost in 2002! His anger comes out 4 years later? WTF?
Kyra funnies.....
Kyra: "That's the American flag! What does this say?"
Me: "It says, 'I voted'".
Kyra: "So mommy, you won?"
PIMP! I'd like to know just what it was that I was running for! ;)
And another gem....
Kyra: "Mommy, the stores think that it's Christmas."
Me: "I know."
Kyra: "Is it still October?"
Me: "No Kyra, it's November."
Kyra: "You mean it's not even December?"
Me: "No, it's November."
Kyra: "Then why do they have all of the Christmas stuff out if it hasn't even been Thanksgiving yet?"
LOL! She's such an observant kid. :)
Monday, November 06, 2006
Holy sh*t!
At least he's still got the Stetson hat. :)
Oh yeah! It's that time of year again!


If you've never been, then what the heck are you waiting for? It's a blast and the food there is awesome. They have different foods to accomodate everyone's taste buds. But there's nothing like a good ol bratwurst and some saurkraut! YUM! Oh, and there's plenty of beer too! ;)
We're going to hear some tunes from my cousins, The Dujka Brothers. Plus my brother-in-law is turning 30 on the 20th, so we'll be celebrating that too. Good times! :)
Saturday, November 04, 2006
What I did this weekend without the kids....


Friday, November 03, 2006
"Early" voting.....
I'm usually not so passionate about voting, but since this is on the ballot and it directly affects Kyra's school, I feel like I MUST vote.
Oh, and I wish that all of those running for office would freakin move away from the curb and quit waving at me. Chances are that if I see you name on the ballot, I won't vote for you because you're making such an a$$ out of yourself. I bet others feel the same way. It's costing you votes, not helping you get votes.
Guess I'll try again on Tuesday. I bet there won't be any lines then. :)
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
So grown up.....
We do get to school very early, so for a buck o' five ($1.05), I'm all for her eating in the cafeteria in the mornings. Apparently her friends do it, so it's the "cool" thing to do. And thank God, that the peer pressure has gotten to her and she eats what they are eating too! :)
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Speaking of songs.....
My all-time favorite "put me in a good mood" song is "My Sharona" by The Knack. I just want to turn up the radio and dance like crazy when I hear that song. Who doesn't? ;)
I'm totally ticked off because I love the song "Take My Breath Away" by Berlin, which is the Top Gun theme song. But two things happened to totally ruin that song for me.
1.) Tom Cruise is such an ass now and that makes that song unlikeable. How can you not think of him and that movie when you hear that song?
2.) Jessica Simpson covered it. 'Nuff said.
Then there are songs that I could go without ever hearing again. One that comes to mind is "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion. We get it. The Titanic sank. I want to too when I hear that song over and over again. :(
And there are the songs that are timeless hits that people are trying to cover. They discussed this on the radio one day. There are songs that SHOULD NOT be covered because nobody else could sing them like the original artists. Nobody and I mean NOBODY should touch songs like John Lennon's "Imagine", The Eagles' "Hotel California", Michael Jackson's "Thriller", or Eric Clapton's "Layla". I just hate to hear wonderful songs get butchered by someone who thinks they can sing it better. Ugh.
I could talk songs all day and night. I adore music. I think it's because songs put feelings within me and every time I hear a certain song, I am taken back to that time in my life. I remember what was going on.....good or bad. Therefore that song is timeless. It will always have meaning.
Then there are newer songs that I've heard that I love because of the clever lyrics. That happens a lot with Texas music. The artists are some of the most talented out there. They don't "sugar coat" anything. The words to their songs are real. You can tell right away that their heart and soul go into those songs. I think it adds even more meaning to a song when you know that the artist really does believe in what they are singing about. I'm proud of the little "movement" that these artists have established.
Then there's the music that I heard nonstop growing up. I swore I would NEVER like it. But I do. And it's all thanks to the Dujka Brothers! :)
Weekend woes.....
I'm tired. Is it 7:00 yet? ;)
Friday, October 27, 2006
Also, there are a lot of links from my peeps that are different too, so I'll change them as well. I might even have a few NEW links to add! YAY!
Changes are a comin'. Just sit tight.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Mind your own da*n business.....
The fact that a person can be so blatant in public makes me ill. I should have said, "So I don't use coupons....want to give me some of yours?" LOL! That would have shut her up.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Because I copy everything Jen does! ;)
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"Hunting flies," he responded.
"Oh. Killing any?" she asked.
"Yep, 3 males, 2 Females," he replied.
Intrigued, she asked, "How can you tell them apart?"
He responded, "3 were on a beer can, 2 were on the phone."
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Richard went to eat alone this afternoon at a new Chinese restaurant that's adjacent to one of the gyms that I frequent. The parking lot is always packed, so I assumed that it was good. However, I WILL NOT be going to eat there because if you remember, way back in 2002, I got sicker than a dog or anything else for that matter. I still think it was Chinese food that made me so sick. I was treated as if I had a parasite. It was horrible. I was sick for a month. I swore that I would NEVER eat Chinese food again.
Richard told me that the prices are great. Here's the funny part. He said that they have a "growth sign" (you know like the ones that you see at an amusement park....."You must be ____inches tall to ride") and a bunch of prices by the lines on the growth sign! PIMP! He said that the prices are adjusted by how tall you are!
Now that I think about it, it's totally not far. How tall are Asian people? I know! TINY!
I'm still laughing.....I gotta go check out this sign. I'll at least peek through the window! ;)
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Tomorrow's the day.....
Richard keeps going on and on about how horrible it is to have a cavity filled. Ugh. He's the KING of cavities and they don't bother him at all, so I think he's just trying to frighten me even more.
Hold me.
Friday, October 20, 2006
So let's revisit high school biology.....
Me: Bb (brown is dominant)
Richard: Bb (brown is dominant)
So, between us, the possible combinations are:
BB (dominant)
Bb (dominant, recessive)
Bb (dominant, recessive)
bb (recessive)
Maeve is bb, thus she has blue eyes. I think I read somewhere that now blue eyes will be dominant for Maeve, so in order for her to have a brown eyed kid, she'd have to marry someone with brown eyes. There's a really good chance that she'll pass on her blue eyes to her kiddos.
Anyone else want to talk genetics? LOL!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Thursday Thirteen.....
1.) There were many Easters where we would be at her house and attend Mass on Holy Saturday. Granny didn't go to church till Sunday morning and because Easter mornings were so busy for us (we traveled to my aunt and uncles' house), Granny played the Easter Bunny for many years.....setting out candy and goodies in the baskets that we had left behind.
2.) Every single time that I set foot in Granny's house, there was an aroma of something either on the stove or in the oven. Yum!
3.) My Granny always answered the phone with a "Hello" in the same tone of voice. I can still here it today. Those of you who have talked to her on the phone know what I'm talking about.
4.) I will NEVER, EVER forget my Granny's explanation to me as to how my mom died. She was there. I wasn't. I can't even begin to fathom the pain that it must have caused her. You give birth to a child and never expect to witness their death as well. It's just not fair.
5.) My Granny faithfully read scripture from the Bible every night. When we would spend the night with her, she would whisper them so that she wouldn't disturb us. I always knew what she was doing though.
6.) My sister and I always took turns sleeping with Granny when we stayed with her. The Christmas before my Granny died, it was Kyra's turn to sleep with her. Granny was so excited. I'm glad that Kyra got to snuggle up next to her just like we used to.
7.) On the heels of #6, I stayed at my dad's house the night before my wedding. I slept in my own bed with Granny of course. She kept reassuring me that everything was going to be ok tomorrow for my big day. I felt comforted. I felt safe.
8.) In Feb. of '99, I had a miscarriage. My aunt brought my Granny up here to stay with us because she's the person that I wanted around. I had to have an emergency D&C, so Richard and Granny stayed with me overnight at the hospital. Richard slept on a cot. I woke up that morning and poor Granny's head was resting on the table. I don't think she got any sleep that night. :(
9.) I miss the cards and letters that Granny sent for every occasion. She never forgot a holiday, birthday, or anniversary.
10.) I miss the recipes that Granny would so readily write down for me. I still have all of them. I gaze at her handwriting and miss her even more.
11.) I miss hearing her sewing machine. It was my goal to have Granny teach me to sew. I never learned. Granny was always such a pro at the sewing machine and could fix or mend anything.
12.) Even up until her death, Granny was very faithful to her church and took part in singing for the nursing homes and participated in Meals On Wheels. She was such a wonderful example to me and those around her.
13.) I mostly miss her hard work and dedication to her family. She loved each and every one of us. She was the glue that held us all together. :)
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Maeve's new trick......
Richard has trained her to take her wet diapers to the trashcan after he's finishing changing her and putting on a new one (the poopy ones go outside, so we take care of those). When I change her, she takes the diaper from me and says, "trash" and runs and puts it in the trashcan. It's hilarious to watch. She knows exactly what she's doing.
She's talking up a storm and even says, "Uh oh" when she falls down! LOL!
They grow up so fast. *sigh*
Monday, October 16, 2006
To those who want big boobs.....
For ages now, I've heard about a bra called Enell. I heard about it from a lady at one of the gyms, but apparently Oprah raved about it on her show and she wears one, so now it's probably pretty popular.
So today I went to Betty Sport here in Austin to buy one. What this bra does is keep the "girls" from moving AT ALL during physical activity. They have really weird sizes, so that's why I wanted to try one on first. I tried on a size 3. It was too big. I tried on a size 2. That was also too big. I tried on a size 1 and jumped up and down and finally the "girls" didn't move. Bullseye! That's the one I went with.
The kind lady that helped me out rang me up. $64.95. WTF? For a bra? I expected it to be expensive, but I think at that moment, my face went white.
Even more than that, I dreaded coming home and telling Richard that I spent $65 on a sports bra. He didn't have a fit, but he does want to see it on me. ;)
It's sooooo unfair that the bigger the boobs, the higher the price tag. That's just not right.
If I could be rid of them, I would. Maybe I'll have them reduced one day. I'll see where dieting and exercise will take me first.
But it's mighty tempting though just to go through with it. Heck, maybe then I'd save more money! LOL!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Fishing results.....

Richard didn't take our camera, so thanks to his friend Gerry for the pic!
Happy Birthday Mom!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Thursday Thirteen.....
1.) My dear friend Jen better promise me that she'll get Flow or Yoga certified one day. I swear that girl knows more than I do!
2.) My friend Cherie better promise me that she'll take my Flow class.....and SOON! I know she'll love it!
3.) My friend Lynette better promise me that she'll take me with her on one of her overseas trips. Consider my bags packed at any time!
4.) My friend Anna better promise me a "Girls' Night Out". We are sooooo leaving our kiddos with the guys and chowing down!
5.) My sister Lisa better promise me a sisterly vacation one day. Just us two. Nobody else.
6.) To EVERYONE who comes to Cabela's, you better promise to freakin call me! Cabela's is in my backyard! Come visit!
7.) My husband better promise me a vacation for our 10th anniversary in 2008! ;)
8.) My girls better promise me that I'll always be their best friend! Kyra tells me that I'm her best friend all the time. I just hope she never takes that back! Maybe I'll videotape them both saying that and show it to them when they are 15 or so! LOL!
9.) My friend Krishna better promise me a trip to Vegas with her. She'd be SO FUN to go with!
10.) My friend Susan better promise me that she'll email me soon so that we can plan another lunchdate! Even though we did this to "get away from the kiddos", they are all we talked about! LOL!
11.) My MIL better promise me that she will have Christmas at her house this year and every year after. ;)
12.) My friend Chelle better promise me that she'll ALWAYS hold her head up high and be proud of who she is. She deserves so much happiness and I hope that she'll continue to lean on her family and friends for the support that she needs. We're here for you girlie!
13.) I promise MYSELF that one day I will visit New Zealand and see where the magic happens with my own eyes. I can't wait!
It was as if she never left.....

I have never seen Kyra play so nicely with anyone. They make-believe, they joke, they amazes me how they are so much on the same page. Even with Maeve in the way, they didn't seem to care. They were just in their own little world. Becca's mom told me how important it is for Becca to stay in touch with Kyra. They just clung to each other last year at preschool. They hit it off immediately. I've never heard Kyra talk so much about a person.
So, it was a good day. Kyra was so excited. She wants to go and visit Becca soon. :) I guess we'll be making a trip up to Fort Worth in the near future.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
If you're looking to get pregnant.....
Um, Richard has had the big "V" and I'm still seriously worried that I'm next just because I know a bunch of fertile women over there. ;)
Toys are cool and all......
But it STILL bothers me.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Damn weather.....
Why does this always happen when we are leaving town? *sigh* Now I'll have to pack a little of everything and when that happens, it means I overpack.
I'm thanking God that we have a suburban. And the 3rd seat is even pulled out of there! LOL!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Could it be?
This is the forecast for this Thursday:
Partly cloudy, with a high near 62.
Are they for real?
Friday, October 06, 2006
Recap of the week.....
Monday- Dropped Kyra off and then I had to sub a Body Step class. I went to the gym and was all set to go when I popped in my CD and frowned. The speakers sounded horrendous. Turns out, they were blown the previous Thursday night when the Body Jam launch was taking place. *sigh* So I made the best of the situation and tried to teach a good class. After that, I went shopping for a bra (exciting huh?) and an outfit for my cousin's wedding next weekend. I bought a skirt and a shirt in a size MEDIUM! WTF? Seriously though, all of the other shirts made me look like I was pregnant and we all know that's not true! ;)
Tuesday- Dropped Kyra off at school and did my usual library book shopping at her school. I REALLY like that time just to sit there and pick out books to read every night for the next week. I even picked out ones that would be really easy for her to read to me. She's doing a wonderful job with her reading. I'm so proud. After that, I headed to the South gym to take a Body Step class. I was sitting in the parking lot waiting to go in when my phone rang and it was another instructor wanting me to sub her class at noon. So, I left that gym, came home, grabbed my bag, and headed downtown to sub yet another class. After that, I came home, showered, and greeted Kyra at the bus. I got her inside and fed her a snack and whisked her off to dance class for an hour. I went to pick her up and then left both kids here at home with daddy so that I could go get a much needed haircut. I come home and Richard tells me that his brother is coming to stay the night with us after being with my niece and nephew at their school in San Antonio all day. He didn't get here till late. We talked a bit and then I went to bed. I was exhausted.
Wednesday- Took Kyra to school and came home. I went to teach Flow downtown at noon. Other than that, it was a mellow day. Thank God. I did take the girls to the grocery store in the afternoon though and that's always an adventure. They were good though and got balloons from the cashier on the way out. :)
Thursday- Dropped Kyra off at school and then came home. I put Maeve in the stroller and we did our 4.2 miles. At 10:00, I got a call from the nurse at Kyra's school (Doesn't your stomach just knot up when that happens?). Kyra's got a cough and needs some medicine. I really think that Kyra was up to some old tricks again, because she wasn't interested in her cough until she heard Maeve's HORRENDOUS cough (damn allergies) the night before. So I went up there and gave her a small dose of Tylenol Cold/Allergy and the nurse gave her a cough drop. I walked her back to her room and she was fine the rest of the day. Her teacher wasn't there either and I really think that threw her off. Her teacher is like having a 2nd mom around. Know what I mean? I think she really missed her. She came home with a wrapped box. It's the surprise box. She has to pick an object and put it in there and then right three clues down for her class and they have to guess what it is. On index cards, we wrote, "black", "white", and "furry". She chose a stuffed Panda Bear that she receieved last year at preschool. Kids went to bed early last night....both before 7:00. So I caught up on some of my taped shows.
Friday- I took Kyra to school and helped her carry that big box into her classroom. Maeve and I made a quick trip to Walmart for diapers and then came home for breakfast. At 9:00, we headed back up to school for a meeting. I'm on the "No Tardy Party" committee. The party is at the end of this month. It's going to be so much fun. After that, we headed "uphill" for the Kindergarten Awards for the 1st 6 weeks. Kyra got Perfect Attendance. She got a coupon for a free ice cream at Diary Queen. YUM! Maeve and I came home and she ate and then I put her down for a nap. I went outside and did Body Flow. I came inside, showered, and ate. Now I'm right here typing. I can't wait till Kyra gets home. Report cards go out today! She just might get that ice cream this weekend!
I'll keep ya posted!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Being a parent is fun! LOL!
Little white lies like that don't hurt, right? Or have I scarred my child for life? ;)
Oh by the way, she got off to a rocky start at the party, but then behaved very well....a lot better than I expected. She didn't like all of the "rough" boys jumping and bumping into her on the moonwalk! LOL! Wait till our own little "boy" (bully Maeve) grows up! Boy is she in for a rude awakening! ;)
Friday, September 29, 2006
Call me crazy......
Even though I know Kyra is doing well, I'm still nervous about that damn report card coming next week. It's almost as if I'm getting one myself! LOL! We attended Open House last night and Kyra's teacher was raving about her journal (she loves the pictures she draws) and going on and on about how smart she is. Kyra adores her teacher and though I had my doubts in the beginning, I'm so glad that Kyra got her for a teacher. I think her teacher's personality really blends well with Kyra's.
I sincerely hope that I get a good report because the following week I have my first parent/teacher conference! I remember my mom doing that for Lisa and I. Seems like yesterday.....
Damn I'm old.
Supermarket Surround Sound.....
The new Supermarket near our house has an automatic water mister to keep the produce fresh. Just before it goes on, you hear the sound of distant thunder and the smell of fresh rain.
When you approach the milk cases, you hear cows mooing and witness the scent of fresh hay.
When you approach the egg case, you hear hens cluck and cackle and the air is filled with the pleasing aroma of bacon and eggs frying.
The veggie department features the smell of fresh buttered corn.
I don't buy toilet paper there any more.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Circle of Love....
With all that's happened to her, I started thinking about love. When it comes to family, I like to think of love as a circle. It's infinite. It never ends. It's round. It's wholesome.
I'd like to think that each family member has a special spot within the circle. In order for the circle to stay together and continue to live up to its name, each member must equally love the other. The husband must love the wife, the wife must love the husband, together they must love their children and vice versa. This keeps the circle going. It completes the circle.
Granted the love between a husband and wife is different from the love between a parent and a child, but it's just as important. I don't think a mother and a father can completely love their child unless they love themselves and in most cases, each other. I realize that this doesn't always happen. There are parents that aren't together. But the respect, honesty, and loyalty should still be there. They do owe their child that much.
I hate to see broken circles. But they do happen. If you or someone you know are part of a broken circle, don't fret. There is time to complete the circle again. Healing will occur. Happiness will occur. Your family will be whole again. But you do have to take a long, hard look at the outside forces that caused this broken circle. Are they truly sorry for what they did? Do you trust them? Do you honestly believe that 100% of their love is devoted to you at all times?
You also have to ask yourself if you can tolerate this behavior a 2nd time if it's repeated. Because usually it is.
I'm not an expert on relationships by any means. I'm just stating how I feel. I truly believe that healing starts with forgiveness.....not only with each other, but with God. In the end, He will be the one who decides your fate.
Again, I hope and pray for my friend. I pray that this post gives her a little insight to things she may have not noticed before. She's a strong girl. She'll be fine. And I think she knows what's important and what she has to do. ;)
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Here it is.....

Yes, we are aware that Mr. Crawfish has the ability to escape. Richard has clipped one claw back completely so that he doesn't wander up the aquarium. He'll have to continue to keep up with that. He said that if that thing gets his fish then both claws are gone! LOL! Poor Mr. Crawfish!
Right now, the fish and Mr. Crawfish are tiny, but they will get bigger. These fish are happy. They swim around in there like crazy. They are fast. Kyra hasn't named any of them yet. Not that you can tell them apart. She still talks about Poopie....a fish that they had at school that died. She prays for Poopie in heaven at night! LOL!
Also, notice that the aquarium is right by a window. We did that on purpose (sort of). It's so easy to open the window and siphon water out of the tank when we have to change some of the water. Richard has a system down already.
Maeve is pretty oblivious to it all. She has learned to say "fishy" though. :)
Friday, September 22, 2006
More randomness....
-I'm kind of bummed that Shanna Moakler got booted off of "Dancing With The Stars". I didn't think she was that bad at all. Jerry Springer needs to go. I think people voted for him because he's "Jerry Springer" and he probably got some sympathy votes because his partner was injured. Oh and is Mario Lopez gay? Just curious. Joey Laurence's veins in his forehead bother me. I don't know if they always bulge out like that or if they did because he was so freakin excited. This week was definitely better than last week. I still DVR the shows and watch them later. I don't have 3 hours in my schedule right now to sit there and waste. ;)
-My house looks like a tornado ripped through it right now. No use in cleaning it up till the kids are in bed. That takes up half of my freakin night anyway. Ugh. I never get a break.
-I'm going to post soon about the differences between Kyra as a 17 month old (that I can remember) and Maeve as a 17 month old. These two are NOTHING alike. Let's just say that I have my work cut out for me right now. *sigh*
-Still no fish for the damn aquarium. There's rocks, water, plants....but no fish. Richard is waiting for something to be shipped before putting them in. Apparently that "something" won't be here till Wednesday. Kyra thinks that she and her daddy will be buying fish for the aquarium this weekend. Richard said that he'll have to go out and buy at least one. Dude, next time don't make promises that you can't keep!
-Kyra astounded me tonight by explaining to me what a trapezoid is. WTF? Where is she learning all of this stuff?
-I have officially entered the wonderful world of Les Mills choreography again. Yep, already.
-I'm so damn tired all of the time. I think I need to get on some vitamins again. My prenatal ones ran out a while back. I stayed on them till after I weaned Maeve. I need something....and it ain't Red Bull either. ;)
-I seriously contemplated making Richard stop for Starbucks this week. I don't know why. I guess I am just in the mood. Then I saw how much carbs and sugar are in some of their lattes. Forget it.
-Kyra (and most importantly I) made it through another week of school. She wants to attend the "No Tardy Party" next month, so we shall be "on the ball". Not that we've been late or anything. I set TWO alarms in the mornings to make damn sure I get up.
-Maeve continues to amaze me with her vocabulary. She's saying new words daily.
-On Wednesday, Mr. Hot UPS Man delivered a package. Richard and I were sitting on the sofa. He left it at the side door again (Bless him). Mia went nuts as usual. I didn't see much of his face this time because he had some shades on. Upon seeing him leave, Richard said, "Yeah, I can see why you think he's hot." See?! I told you!
-All of this rain "hype" this weekend better in fact turn into at least a drop or two. I loved the rain last weekend. We need more of it.
-One of my good friends text messaged me today from Budapest, Hungary. Oh how I wish I were there! Instead I'm dealing with two children who can't get enough of the damn refrigerator. You would think I'm starving those two!
That's all I got. I'm out!
Aches and pains....
There is a front and supposedly some rain on the way. It's going to be rather chilly in the mornings next week too. Kyra will be thrilled. She loves wearing her light jacket to school (weird kid).
Happy Friday?
I think that we are laying low this weekend (what's new? LOL!). Richard is off. I'll take the girls to church and I'll take Kyra to Sunday school on Sunday. I think Richard might be going fishing that morning. Plus it's supposed to rain (YAY!)
Have a great weekend everyone!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Adult playtime.....

Maeve got one of those phonics caterpillars for her birthday and Richard was sitting on the floor one day trying to push F-U-C-K really fast so that it would sound like the caterpillar was saying that word. Well, little ears (like Kyra's) hear now and pick up on things like that rather quickly, so I told him to knock it off. (And you wonder who the children are around here.....)
So the next time you think your child's toy might be useless, think again.
Pray for me....
I'll update after I've come off of the booze and the pills (I'm kidding!).
Ugh. So is this what I have to look forward to?
Well after hearing that my mommy radar immediately went up. Somebody is picking on my baby! I told Richard and he said that they probably have a crush on Kyra. He said that they wouldn't be picking on her if they didn't like her. He's probably right. *sigh*
I told Kyra that if it *really* bothers her that they do that, then she should sit elsewhere with another friend or by herself. I think it would be hard for her to do that though because one of the little boys is our next door neighbor and Kyra is pretty good friends with him.
Now that I think about it, he *must* like her because I heard Kyra talking about how another boy was saying, "Owee (his name is Orlando), there's your girlfriend" and pointing to Kyra on the playground. Kyra came home and told me repeatedly that she's NOT his girlfriend. Thatta girl!
*sigh* Kindergarten love. LOL!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
24 hours straight....
I bathed the girls and after that Maeve discovered that her daddy went to sleep with a piece of pizza in his hand. I'm not kidding. Kyra tried to convince me of this earlier, but I didn't believe her. Maeve steals the pizza and starts eating it! LOL!
For some odd reason, I found the box of guitar picks on him too. I don't know if he put them there or one of the girls did. Who knows. And I bet he won't remember either.
Maeve decided that her daddy was a jungle gym and crawled all over him. He didn't flinch. She even moved his leg herself and pushed it on the floor! LOL!
Kyra decided that it would be fun to crown daddy "king", so she made a crown for him with some of those megablocks and put it on his head. Again, he didn't move.
Kyra also tried to talk me into letting her paint Richard's toenails. LMAO! Can you imagine the horror of that? He would wake up in the morning and be freaking out! She also wanted to do his fingernails. Too bad 8:00 rolled around fairly quickly and she had to go to bed.
I bet he won't believe me when I tell him these things in the morning! LOL!
Yeah, thanks a lot dad....
This kid has a temper that I've never witnessed before. And I've been around a heck of a lot of kids throughout my life. Seems like some kind of cruel joke that my kid is the worst that I've seen yet. *sigh* Yeah, that cute little face and those gorgeous blue eyes are all a front. Deep down, she's a maniac! LOL!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Fluke pukes....
I got her out, got her dressed, and changed her sheets. I rocked her for a bit and prayed that their would be no episodes during the night. There weren't. But she and Kyra both thought that 6am was a fine time to wake up on a Saturday morning. Zzzzzzzz......damn kids!
So Maeve plays fine today, but is quite fussy. She's cutting the lovely molars right now and is having a heck of a time with that. She napped for 2.5 hours. I was so tired that I did too! LOL!
Fast forward to tonight. I do my good deed and take the kids to church. We sit down and we're not even 15 minutes into mass when Maeve pukes all over a blanket (which by the grace of God I decided to take inside), herself, and me. Lovely. I grab Kyra and tell her that we are leaving. She starts to cry. We can't leave church because we just got there. Crap. I tell her that her sister is full of puke, I'm full of puke and we are leaving! On the way out, we see the main priest that's outside. He comforts Kyra and asks why she's crying. I say, "Well her sister just puked inside, so we have to leave to get cleaned up." He tells Kyra that she should go with her mommy and help take care of her sister. I just love him. He's an old Irish priest that is just too darn cute. I love his homilies. He's so real.
So, we come home and Maeve has no more episodes. She plays just fine. She fights me at bedtime, but that's normal.
I did notice that both of the times that she had puked was after she had drank some milk. She had milk this morning too, but kept that down. Could she be allergic to it now? I'm just confused. We'll see what happens over the next few days and go from there.
Oh, and Kyra was horrible behavior-wise today. I kept thinking to myself, "This is the same kid that gets good behavior stickers at school?" She even told my dad tonight, "I was bad today and Maeve got sick. This was the worst day of my life!" LOL! Uh huh. Believe me, you've got it easy kid!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
I can't believe I'm watching this....
I really don't get the point of this show. First of all, you're a "has been" celebrity. Was your previous "job" not enough for you? Are you in the show just to gain publicity again? (This is my theory) If you win this show, do you want a record deal?
And they are singing DUETS! The celebrity singer is always going to sound better than they do!
I think it's all "for show". It looks like they want the show to be the next "Dancing With The Stars". Um, too little, too late. The "Skating With Celebrities" show was a flop. This one will be too.
BUT, if they'd let them have a few brews before the show to loosen up, then I'd totally watch that. Imagine the slurred songs and the stumbling on stage! LOL!